Gonna start leaving premade bgs

no it isn’t.

Hopefully this forum thread is carefully evaluated and cheaters abusing this exploit will be punished properly. Every player has accepted and agreed to the terms of service upon entering the game and is accountable for their actions. https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/legal/fba4d00f-c7e4-4883-b8b9-1b4500a402ea/blizzard-end-user-license-agreement

how is going around helping players on my faction bullying?

do you ask the same question just to build up post count? so cringe lmao.

you haven’t explained your argument.

if you are killing a horde pug 1v1, and i go over with a healer and kill you now 3v1, is that bullying you or saving the horde pug? who’s feelings are more important, yours or the pug’s?

That scenario is irrelevant to this thread, bypassing the 5 player group limit to premade epic BG’s is bullying the enemy team, You automatically gain an unfair advantage by playing with 39 other coordinated, geared and experienced players in voice chat.

i gain an advantage, but not an unfair one. all of the tools are in place for you to do the same.

and heres the thing to consider, if we want to go by who’s feelings matter more, in this case we have two groups, one group is players who play epics every day and queue for them even without reward, and the other group are players who only queue for them every once in a while when a quest tells them to. the players who actually utilize the content the most should be the ones who’ve voice is heard. you don’t ask arena glads for their opinion on raiding, why ask occasional pvpers for their opinion on epics.

the majority of die hard Epic PVPers all prefer playing in groups and would enjoy the premade restriction completely lifted. thats not to say make it so 40 mans only face 40 mans, but lift the restriction so we can make larger group sizes, if we have 25, then fill in the rest with solos and other groups. the ability to intermingle with solos and groups is key to growing communities and making wow a better game overall.

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Exploiting the game to premade epic BG’s is cheating and does give you an unfair advantage. There are no tools available without rule breaking for the other 40 people on the enemy team that simply queued for a random epic BG.

there is the in game voice and chat options to coordinate. if people refuse to use coordination, that is their loss.

on top of that there are multiple addons you can use to help, capping and REPorter being major ones.

i just like the irony of how if you try and flex with epics, rated players will call you trash and say epics don’t matter, but when they queue up to farm some pugs and instead get dunked on by a premade, then all of a sudden epics matter and need blue attention.

There is no cap on iLvL for random BGs and EBGs. There is a cap on party size for this content, however. It’s 5. Queue syncing to skirt the party size cap is, by definition, exploiting.

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Can’t relate I don’t try and “flex” anything in a video game.

Rated and epic’s aren’t even the same maps so comparing the two is irrelevant.

Even using in game voice chat that doesn’t justify exploiting to hand select players to create an unfair stacked team.

THIS x9000.

we don’t hand select players, if community premades didn’t exist, you would have the same chance of running into the very same players in pretty much the same games. in fact you would likely lose more often, which is what we used to use to see back in BfA before communities started to rise up and become a dominant thing in epics.

over the course of SL premade communities have concentrated top end epic players to a few groups on both factions, these groups then tend to go in and dominate most of their games. but these are not all games.

so lets say you take myself and 4 other community premade leaders, if we all sync groups to get into 1 game, we win 1 game, if we each get into 5 different games and each lead our games to victory, then we win 5 games.

think about this from ally perspective, with premades you face a really tough team, then a disorganized team, then a tough team, wins and losses go back and forth, but without premades skill is distributed across the pool and every team you face is mostly organized, and you are more likely to lose game after game after game.

whats happening with communities is skill accross the playerbase as a whole is self organizing along a pareto distribution.

look at this graph:

the more teams self organize for skill, the fewer of them there are, and the remaining playerbase is left with a lower overall skill level. essentially communities are sucking up all the skilled players, leaving none for the general pug pool. however, this also means that the faction with more organization has a greater proportion of losing teams relative to their total population.

the flat line would work if we were playing party games like mario party, but PVP and especially team organized pvp has a huge element of skill to it, so the flat line distribution wouldn’t work, players need to see themselves getting better, if win rates are perfectly flat, then you run into a situation where no input has any affect on output and the game is just random chance. games of chance have no growth of skill, its why they are used in gambling, to ensure the house always wins.

tldr; premade leaders are good enough that they could split into 5 groups and win all 5 games.

But they don’t and instead all queue together, wonder why :joy:

None of that matters if you aren’t able to exploit to premade bg’s in the first place :yawning_face:

wouldn’t need to if the average pug was higher caliber. you have this idea that we premade to stomp ally pugs, thats not really true, we do it to avoid bad horde pugs.

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Speaking of premades, have you considered doing those copy-pasta “recruitment ads” in your epics? I’m talking similar to the ones Alec does when he’s streaming (“like to win? join Shadows of Death for more great wins!”)

I’m over here watching a replay of one of your streams and I notice you don’t plug recruitment ads in the chat like Alec does, just thought I would throw that out there since you’re a brand-new streamer and such

If nothing else, it might get some more folks to check out your stream

we have a population issue:

Cinco does regular purges and we fill back up rather quickly, I made a thread about it for beta asking for the cap to be removed or raised, no idea if any changes were made.

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i feel harassed and bullied because people make dumb threads about premades and a video game lol. but yes the community does go for more known names and focus on them. i feel this everytime im in a bg. but i dont cry about it. being infamous does have a lot weight to carry. but any true king knows this.