Gonna start leaving premade bgs

Yeah, he did the same thing last time I got him too, then says it wasn’t 1v1. When the pants come off…look the bleep ooot. I mean when the wings pop…

Yeah I just don’t see it happening either, doesn’t sound right

Someone who owns a business who is so busy that it’s a “24/7” schedule isn’t going to be playing a bunch of WoW while also hanging out on the WoW forums

And almost no one is retiring “before mid-30s” unless the person happened to get “to the moon” cryptocurrency gains or they’re inheriting a huge multi-million inheritance from dead parents


Facts bro im retiring off of NFT’s, have fun scrubbing my cruise ship.

best of luck on that!


oh, you know oh so much about everything…except your own toon?

so what u are saying is u are franchising the name of a burger place to make your living? its good money. but i doubt u do that.

He probably eats a steady diet of government cheese and lives in a van down by the river.

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i mean living that life isnt the worst man. its all about how u like to live. doing that is less responisbilities depending on where u live. but he def couldnt be posting on forums so much if he was. unless hes going to the mc donalds up the road to steal their wifi lol

Yeah seems it was a community Karie invited me to when we killed some horde in stormwind, the community itself actually says nothing at all about premade epic bg’s though

:disguised_face: :disguised_face: :disguised_face: :disguised_face: :disguised_face: You can get a pair even on welfare if you live in the US.

Let’s get a recap on the thread.
Epic bg premades violate the ToS and there is no logical counter defense. Only personal attacks and trolling to derail the topic of the thread.

The epic BG premade communities are “positive” although if you call them out for exploiting they will abuse the report system to mass report and trigger an automatic ban.

Epic bg premades ruin the integrity and fun for most players in casual pvp, these players clearly only premade to steamroll new players, alts and people gearing, it’s their only way to feel good about themselves.


and dont forget to add a flow of pointless tears that im lazy rivering on until xpac comes out :wink:

which line of the ToS addresses premades?

Let. It. Go.

insert Isildur gif.


You can find it previously in the thread. it was actually a reply to you

what i saw was you misinterpreting things and reading between the lines to assume a rule where none actually exists.

Definitely not, by abusing the 5 player queue cap to have a full premade in an epic bg diminishes the game experience for other players and disrupts the game by cheating is 100% against the ToS.

Disruption / Harassment: Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players, or disrupt operation of Blizzard’s Platform in any way

that says no harassment, not no premades.

premading content that isn’t supposed to be premaded is harassment and disruption of gameplay