Gonna start leaving premade bgs

Yes it did, you would wait on that patch of land by Workshop then run to Docks and I would kill you. Your mistake was you let me get too close, and me being range is very easy to slow and delete you.

You did kill me once, and everyone made fun of me.

I work 24\7, definitely have a good job :slight_smile: will be retiring in a few years in my mid 30s, doubt i’ll stick around to reach 5400 forum posts though :crazy_face:

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these two are mutually exclusive, any job that has you working excessive hours is not a good job.


When you own the business you work 24\7


not if you do it right

He’s lying anyway. I saw him online this morning.


You make it sound like I can’t login to wow while working

People stopped believing your drivel several hundred posts ago. Yer done, bud.

Whatever you say bud, keep farming those hk’s and flipping my burgers.

lololol this guy still goin at it?

Why are you assuming? you dont know anything about the guy

Neither does he

I just realized this morning that Horizons is a member of SoD 1. That’s how I knew they were online, LOL.

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What’s SoD 1?

Lolz… :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :rofl:

Check the offline list…Horizons-Moonguard. Someone just got caught with their pants down, lol.

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What do you mean? what are you even saying?

You’re in a epic bg community that does premades and you’re in said community. when you went off in this thread stating you are against premades yet you’re in the community? lol


Ahh it’s possible, I’m in a bunch of communities on my mage, but I’ve never done premade epic bg’s before, and am obviously against them

When someone says “Premade” most people start leaving the group, so I don’t know what kind of validation or motivation it gives either Side .

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