Gonna start leaving premade bgs

That just sounds…shaky

I look at my own teams’ role makeup. If we’re just couple of heals vs a bunch of tanks and 10 heals then I’m not wasting my time. That’s a match making flaw that should never happen, but does happen way too often. I’d rather have a longer queue than be thrown in with no heals.


Can’t beat ‘em join em. Fire up your own premades. I used to do premades back in wrath and cata the same way now.


You used to be able to leave matches without a penalty, you could bail for other q’s when they popped, and it didn’t reduce premades really. Peeps were just less pissed about facing them cuz they could leave without friction

Premades got their easy win and pugs bailed to something more entertain. What was funny was a lot of premades would bail when they saw another premade

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This still happens consistently, or they would lose that BG then stop queueing because it was no longer a PUG camp fest for them


I guess I’m weird, i like most of the leaders I’ve seen. But i like certain ones more for their general personality (my personal perception of them, hard to explain), calm confidence with strat, etc. I don’t need them to win 100% of the time, because everyone’s human and most/all? eBGs with premades have pugs that don’t listen.

Also hard to explain but I pretty much respect any group lead, horde or alliance, because they take the risk to lead - that’s highly admirable.

What i don’t care for these days is the ~generally~ steam-rolly aspect of premade vs. pug, especially when it’s really pronounced.


I love to run with a leader who can wear a hat off the rack, and their head can fit through the gate at Frostwolf. Winning is the underlying purpose for being in the BG in the first place…but creating an environment that is not fun…just to win…well, not worth the time wasted.

I was in an Alliance PuG one day, and we were getting hammered badly in Ashran. We were down to like 28 resources to 145. For whatever reason, the Hordies actually left our gate, ran home, and proceeded to fall on their swords. We actually won because they let us. This was not a planned thing, it was them saying, “this is ridiculous, and we don’t need to do it”. I admire when people acknowledge when something is out of whack, and do something about it. That is the mark of good leadership.


It’s what makes them so easy to hate.

Random solo poster: ‘Queuing into premades isn’t fun!’

1500 RBG XP EBG Community player who queue cheats to beat fresh 60’s: “Ha! Haaaaa! You can’t contend with our superior skill!”

Like, c’mon. Lol


if you actually had skills you would be in game winning, not on the forums whining.


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Seen plenty of games of you getting absolutely wrecked at 1400. You wanna get a 6v6 together and see what getting slammed feels like? Lol

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and what psychic magical power did you use to do that?

1 game? 1 game doesn’t matter. trends matter.

and lets play this out, lets say we face each other, and you win, then what? do you think im just gonna stop playing epics with friends? do you think you are going to stop losing epics to me? its really easy to challenge someone to content that is out of their element you are secure in. how about a round of audiosurf? or guitar hero? or chess? doesn’t take much courage to challenge someone to a game you know you can win.


People who think you’re cringe post screen shots when they see you in post games because of you egoing on the forums.

As for the rest of it, blah blah blah. I didn’t come at you directly. If I suck I thought you might want to try me out. /shrug


that behavior itself is cringey. how sad that you need a screenshot of me losing to feel better about yourself.

if you want to fight me, queue for epics, you will eventually run into me. but like i said, its really easy to call someone out for a duel or a wargame, but it doesn’t mean much of anything at all. everyone that pvps knows they have good days and bad days, maybe you just had a good day or maybe i just had a bad, what matters is a trend over time. if i beat you 999 times in a row, then you win the 1,000th game, you don’t get to claim you are a better player just because you won that one game.

if you are going around challenging people to duels, then you don’t understand that concept, if you don’t understand that concept, then you don’t have the same level of skill as people who do understand it.


Awful lot of typing to say ‘I know I’d lose in a premade wargame and don’t want to.’ Lol You barked, got called out, then backed off. I’m satisfied with the exchange. I’ll just reference it any time in the future you feel compelled to insult me.

Enjoy your rigged games.

i was being nice and just giving you the hypothetical win for discussion’s sake, the odds of it actually happening are slim. you are still trying tricks that work only on noobs, do you not have anything more advanced?

Dear Charming,

Please don’t leave the game entirely. In DF, one of my tasks is to go after Ms Inemia, and possibly Torturekilla too. I will need your support when encountering them in EBGs.

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Yep, had the same thing happen in an Ashran I solo q’d yesterday. I backfilled a losing bg, gave some instructions, they executed it, and we ended up winning. Too many people give up too easily. I never give up. Even when I get my butt kicked.

Munrozzi, you bring it too cupcake. :wink:


I think this starts with losses or perceived losses being not worth peoples itme. Like, if you get cleanly wiped at ROC then you can assume a 85-90%+ chance of loss, and a miserable one at that, so afk out, hop on another char or chill until deserter expires.

Games often aren’t decided in the opener, and people can adapt to play from behind, but it’s just easier not to.

And…that’s kind of unfortunate, but it is what it is. Maybe they should try a ranked mode of solo queue battlegrounds, including epics. You know, so people have to learn, adapt, and can’t just afk out because it’s efficent.

I think it’d be cool to see people have an incentive to see how to best push/play each battleground. Spec specific rewards similar to shuffle might also allow for a spread of specs.


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People here always talk abut gear, class, spec…all of their disadvantages in order to excuse the obvious. Players will never get better unless they are stress-tested at the very edge of their skill level. Nobody learns, nobody improves if they just sit in the middle seats and hang on for the ride.


Yes, precisely. I had no idea how little I knew until I queued into somebody who was actually good at my spec, at which point I decided to try my best to be less bad. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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