Gonna start leaving premade bgs

Ah, I see

rip… I really prefer listening in to livestreams for the background noise /shrug

wow, kinda toxic to say this to a brand-new streamer who literally just started. Everybody starts somewhere :man_shrugging:

Personally I’ve watched hours and hours and hours of Alecthegreat’s stream since 2020 or so, and he usually averages 10-15 viewers. I mostly watch streams I enjoy, I don’t really care if the guy is “popular” or not

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Imagine if every player did that? I bet they would stop making premades if every time they did everyone just left. I’m all for it.


Quite the opposite.
I think most premade leaders would enjoy a little “ego boost” if people were intentionally leaving because of them.

And yes, I’m speaking from experience.
Shortly after I got the world record for Wintergrasp offense against a Horde premade, that premade got so pissed that they literally started giving up and leaving whenever they saw me.
Knowing that they got beat so hard that they stopped trying all together, it felt like extreme ecstasy lol. True domination!

But granted, yes, matches would’ve eventually gotten boring if they kept doing that (nobody wants to beat up PUGs all day long), so I eventually did have to leak it to them that I was enjoying them afking out so they’d stop doing it, to keep things interesting.

So I guess in the long term constantly afking out of premades would bore them, but in the short term, most would really enjoy it!

Nah just when I do the math there is a 90% chance it’s a loss which is not worth the 35 minutes I will have to spend to see if the 10% actually prevails. Especially when the penalty is only 15 minutes


JMO leaders shouldn’t get an ego boost just because some on the opposing team leaves.

Sure, some of them may be like “Waahh waaah premade, i’m not gonna even try, giving up, cya loosers [sic].” But others are like, “Has nothing to do with it being a premade, it’s just that my own team doesn’t want to try and/or is clueless.”

Regardless, solo queuers and especially backfill can do whatever they like IMO.

If a premade actually thinks it’s ~good~ that they’re beating a underpowered, non-FotM, revolving-door pug, then that premade is simply bad and worthy of scorn.

If you’re good you want to play against those of equal skill/gear/general competency.


in a head fight sure, but a lot of PVP is still psychological. players might not get an ego boost from making someone afk, but they do understand that having a fearsome reputation is itself an asset in PVP. if people think they are going to lose, they will.

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I actually get disappointed when the player I’ve chased takes deserter before I can kill them. Stay and fight!

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Honor level 1516? :o I thought you were a new player with all those complaints about premade, Charming.

If you’re not having fun, I guess it’s the right move to /afk out. Most people do it, and it’s certainly not the end of the world. We’re playing a video game, so if a 15 min break can help you avoid being pissed off afterward, it’s generally worth it.

Sometimes you have to get stomped to learn and perhaps to enjoy your wins a little more.

Says the mean hunter who probably always runs away with aspect of the turtle! Stay and eat your crits!


Turtle is so I can heal and then eat your face (hopefully).


Why are bg players like this :skull:


I dunno. Even when one has a fearsome reputation, you go in disc and we’re laughing and doot dooting all night…def. not the fearsome ankle biters folks think we are. It’s all about having fun. If you’re not having fun, you play for the wrong reasons.

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I always thought vulperas only ate herbs. I don’t know why. Y’all strike me as herbivores.

like what?

But you aren’t even 1600 rating so how can you have higher skill level?

What’s a matter you can’t make friends? Last I heard this was an MMO do you know what it stands for?

This isn’t an issue for El-Papi! Why you spend so much time in epics anyways? If your like me i gave up on the ludicrous burstinesss in arena on my priest and shaman. 1800 is possible if you want to run with a warrior and hunter. I got 1600 with warrior dh it was just zug zug so pointless

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I suspect that Kennie is referring to their borderline delusion sense of self-importance. I could be wrong, but that’s the sense I get from it.

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Opposite… too many friends on my btag I lose track of whose who. I prefer solo queue. If I premade I end up winning 95% of the BGs it gets boring and not a challenge.

The times I’ve resorted to it is when im constantly facing other premades. So ill quickly add some btag friends and then destroy them next game and they either afk out or I never see them again.

I shouldnt have to do that as solo queue.

But keep on the same tangent of “hurr durr you dont have friends” lol

problem is one can’t argue that without making themself out to look the same. if other’s sunshine is your rainy day, that is a you problem.

my main point is that just seeing certain people on the other team’s roster can shake confidence which is often itself enough to win.

My teams confidence shakes when I load in.