Gonna start leaving premade bgs

Huh, I could swear that cave was Arathi Basin

The AB portal was in Arathi Highlands at Refuge Pointe.

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you could also pick the specific game iirc, so if your guild was in a certain game, you would queue for that specific game.

Yes, you could pick a specific AV match or first available.

No, it goes to the largest party member lead. Meaning, if I have a grp of two, the group in a party of 4 will likely get lead before me. Or the group of 5 will get it over the group of 4.

Point made regarding the history, but it still does not validate a need to eliminate communities due their ‘unfairness’.

There are no screen doors, and no vetting process to get into one of the large communities, everyone has access. If someone is not being successful, and they have access to a solution it is on them if they choose not to use it.

The real motivations here are not around how unfair EBG premades are. If you read the commonality in the threads you can see that some people are just unhappy and need something or someone else to blame. When you read a comment like “it took 4 of you to kill me” what are you hearing? How about how this thread was started? A bellowing proclamation of how much better the guy is than everyone else. The fact that other players have found a way to neutralize them is where the angst comes from.

As someone that’s played since vanilla, premading AV was never a thing, you would join AV, play it for a while then leave, the match never ended.
The motivations here are how unfair epic bg premades are, syncing multiple 5 player groups to gain an unfair advantage in the match is cheating. No one is complaining about how 5 people jumped them and that’s why they’re upset.

I am reading into your comments that you are one of those who want to be the super-hero of your team. You are well-geared, and feel that it is unfair that other players can find a way to oppose you even though you have reached the top of your game.

I like to play in the EBG’s. I do not like to be yelled at, I do not like to be required to fight my own team to accomplish a goal. Winning is not everything, I like the fun of the challenge. I am here to play this game that I have paid for since 2004, and I dislike the fact that you and your shriveled on the vine friends are so unhappy that you want to destroy the last breathing social aspect of this game.

Can you come up with something other than “it’s not fair”?

P.S. We had premade guild on guild nights on Thursdays after raids. We tried to coordinate with Alliance guilds and we had some of the best BG’s I can remember. Don’t try to speak for everyone.

If you were reading through my comments you would have seen that I rarely ever queue casual BG’s on my main, it’s full geared, I don’t need honor, the only BG’s it see’s are rated or a specific queue for an achievement.
I also enjoy playing EBG, I’ve never been “yelled” at while playing them? Where’s the challenge in griefing 40 random players with a full premade? How social can steamrolling 40 randoms be with coordinated voiced players with an automatic unfair advantage from the start LOL?

It’s unfair, yeah, go read the ToS violation that I posted further up in the thread, the only reason why this has persisted for so long is because Blizzard has likely been unaware of it for a while now.


Good to see Horizons crying on the forums still lolol

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This thread is still going? Lmao.

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You really need to get out more and find some hobbies.

303k lifetime kills, okay bud, my characters from 2007 and you have double my hk’s, go get a job.

You’re just making it worse…

I’m getting paid while posting on here, I don’t think I am

edit: just realized you have 3270 forum posts LMAO quit projecting bro.


can’t have that good of a job if you are working on a saturday.

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That isn’t true, in an IOC you and I had 9 solo fights cause I did chase you, and out of those 9 I killed you 8 times.

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Everytime it was next to ws where 1 of the 10 or 15 sitting there would come help u and so yeah i do run away when i see them coming to help.

Its the logical thing to do

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But I caught you solo and deleted you. You would wait on that patch of land by Workshop then run away to Glaives and I would delete you.

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Never happened