Gonna start leaving premade bgs

Maybe you should read through the thread before replying on the topic. It’s rude to join a conversation late with no idea what you’re talking about.

uh oh, looks like the truth is coming out

I know he used to lead ashrans, but it doesn’t really matter to me if he premades epic bg’s or not, my stance remains the same, feel free to say whatever you please to him, we’ve been friends for close to a decade.

no, you need to quit your guild, can’t be here calling us trash for premading while running with premades yourself.

My guild is a pve based guild, less than 5 people that pvp in the guild, once again, you’re clueless.

Don’t look at me. I’m staying out of this one.

His opinions are his own and I’m not going to control what he can or can’t say in a public forum as long as it’s within TOS confines.

doesn’t matter, you are being a hypocrite.

How so? I don’t play with epic BG premades.

Stop feeding the troll. lmao.

we don’t know that, we do know you are in a guild with someone who does. what is provable vs what is hearsay.

sometimes you have to feed the troll to show his intentions where never anything more than trolling.

Send me a SS of me playing in an epic BG premade, surely out of 500,000 lifetime kills you would have me caught red handed? Besides Karie I do have people on my battle.net that run with Ruin etc, doesn’t change anything about what i’ve said though.

so now you admit to running with ruin?

people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

:disguised_face: :disguised_face: :disguised_face: Think you need a pair of these.

The solution to this entire thing would just be having a separate queue preferential, within the current queue system, that prioritizes putting groups of more than 3 players up against groups of more than 3 players, until the majority of the battlegroup is a premade vs. premade situation. The solo queuers will by and large be in their own battlegrounds. Win-win situation, glass thrown mazel tov.

A symptom of the lack of players on this game is seen in how easy it is to queue sync a premade. Even solo queueing, the majority of a premade (21+) can get into the same battleground even with solo q because there simply aren’t more than 500 players queueing for epic BGs simultaneously at any given time. Perhaps in Dragonflight it will become harder to accomplish this because more players will be actively queueing. At least that would be the case early season.

And no, he doesn’t run with Ruin.

I know that if I tried to get a bunch of 5man groups on Wrath to queue together, the chances of more than 2 of them getting into the same alterac valley would actually be less than ten percent. There are tens of thousands of players queueing for that battleground on wrath at any given time. The rate would astronomically lower the more groups tried to synchronize their queue.

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90 minute queue times drive even more players away.

It is possible DF will make epic bg premades less common to see which would be nice, but I usually queue for casual pvp in off hours when friends are asleep, unfortunately less people are playing the game during AM US hours and it allows for epic bg premades to group even easier.

Back in Legion, Ashran leads would often synchronize when their groups were running so that we would force a 40v40 premade vs. premade at specific hours. The case can be the same with here. Better fights compared to fighting pugs, anyhow.

There’s nothing preventing premade leads from organizing fights with each other if this ends up occurring.

that does happen, and pretty regularly. the only difference is one team is usually sniping the other, so you don’t see you are facing a premade until you are reading the enemy roster.

and lets be honest about this thread, the whole reason Horizons is complaining is he was expecting to queue up and pwn noobs and got pwned instead, now he wants daddy blizz to fix his bad feels.

The reason I replied to this thread is because I want to play epic bg’s fairly, if you’re implying im queuing epic battlegrounds on my full geared main to annihilate peoples alts and new players you’re delusional. Fighting back to back premade teams coordinating teams to certain nodes and creating player walls in AV to force a turtle immediately is not fun game play at all.