Gonna start leaving premade bgs

but not everything that causes you to lose is an exploit.

You’re 1200 rating below me, quit pretending like you could even queue into me. :rofl:

if were as good as you think you are, coming in and putting a stop to me via PVP wouldn’t be a problem.

I’m open to a 3v3 war game any time. Or do you suggest I queue into your premade with randoms and you 40v1 me? :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :rofl:

no no, if you are 1200 rating above me, you should be able to queue up and put me and my friends down with ease right? thats what you were implying when you brought up rating right?

Yes that is true, but you are so low rated that it’s impossible for you to even queue into me, besides via war game, if you want to fight in the games most balanced pvp bracket, i’ll take you up on it any time.

so whats the problem? you should just queue up and whip us with your extra 1200 rating then bam, no more premades right?

I’ll be queuing rated 3’s later today around 8 PST, feel free to snipe me :slight_smile:

good for you? i’ll be queuing epics though, not sure why you keep bringing up 3s.

Of course you would be, wouldn’t want to catch yourself in a pvp situation without 39 other people protecting you.

you’re just mad you don’t have 39 other people.

I don’t need 39 other people to be successful in pvp, nor win my battles for me.

This aint the arena forums, if you want to go talk smack go over there. chill on the rating bashing. this is the bg forums

so whats the problem?

Idk bro you replied to me, ask yourself, what’s the problem?

if you are already successful in PVP, what is your complaint? why are you here?

The dude is goin to complain nonstop. stop feeding the troll

To abolish exploiters and create a fair pvp environment for epic battlegrounds. Disband the epic battleground premade communities, Change the queue algorithm, and punish the cheaters.

what exploit?

You do know I know your guild GM right? is he in one of these said epic bg communties. you should ask him. he runs with us from time to time.

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