Gonna start leaving premade bgs

I am curious as to how you back this information. If you are coming across so many players who are running with premade groups, are you sure that they are not indeed in the majority?

When we start school, do we not first go to Kinderten to learn what school actually is, prior to jumping into trigonometry? Ash, I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but some of the onus has to be on the people who want to participate. Like everything else in life, there is a degree of commitment/ requirement as the price of admission. The players screaming the loudest on the forums are NOT newbies getting ganked in BG’s. The strident complainers are long-time, high-ranking, uber geared players who don’t like to lose.

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He’s not going to tell you. Just a lurker.

Due to how extreme 119 twinks were I made forum posts to make the xp on and xp off brackets seperate, I also made a 119 twink and showed how ridiculous it was with a skilled player behind the character, was changed just a few weeks after. Most of WoW’s player base is casual and anything that disrupts that drastically hurts the entire game.

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…So i came up with a brilliant and entirely original idea:

Have premades have to wait in queue til the other team also has an equal premade.

  • If a premade of 5 queues, they wait in queue until a premade of 5 queues on the other side.
  • If a premade of 3 groups of 5 queues, they wait in queue until 3 groups of 5 queue for the other side.
  • Etc.

The time they have to wait will be as long as it has to be if they want to premade together, especially in multiple full or nearly full groups.

How about it?


I still haven’t even seen Alec. :-[

Also, i did not know he streams, wat?

Enough reports on epic BG premades will fix the problem too :slight_smile:

That could work but these epic BG premaders are super down bad, they would just queue groups of 4 instead.

Just let them queue as a 30 man and only build teams around people who have also queued as a group. If Inemia brings 30 of his friends, let another group that has queued with 4, then another as two, then another as 4. Then on the opposite side, build a team from people who have queued together as well. So the alliance could have a team of 5+4+3+7+10+5… etc you get the idea.

Back in the day if you queued as a premade you would only face other premades. Pretty sure that was back in the battlegroup days.

not a very bright move to suggest report abuse against multiple communities when the reporting system is automated. you are highly outnumbered to the point you would get an account vacation almost instantly.

i’m pretty sure that is how it works live.

if we are so bad, then it wouldn’t be hard for you to put us in our place, yet here you are, on the forums, qqing instead. do you solve all your problems with a temper tantrum? even then, blizzard is not your parents.

It’s how it used to work. They relaxed it a bit in legion? I think? To where you’re more likely to be paired against another group if you are a group instead of you would only queue against other groups.

i think it was relaxed a bit in SL due to queue times. if you do all this stuff to split people out into multiple groups and brackets all so nobody has a bad time, the queue time reaches 40-60 minutes per game and then everyone has a bad time.

Are you implying that your epic battleground community would abuse the mass report function in order to automate a ban? Can we get a forum MVP in here?

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you implied you would abuse the report system, i wouldn’t stop people from retaliating in kind. you might want to learn game theory.

I think you might want to get your eyes checked, I wrote that reporting people violating the ToS by bypassing the 5 player limit will correct the problem, not sure what your game theory is, but threatening to mass report someone to force an automatic ban is highly against the rules. So much for these epic battleground communities being a positive enviroment. Seems to be quite the opposite.

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but its not a violation of the ToS to play with friends.

PVP communities already have this option and they don’t use it. its not even considered in conversations. you are the one who wants to go there, and now you realize what a massive mistake that is. if we have power and don’t use it, you have none and wish to abuse it, you are far more toxic than us.

Only silences are automated not bans or suspensions thank god

shh, don’t tell Horizons that, he still thinks he can do something with that button.

But it is a violation to exploit the game, and that is what you’re doing.
You and your communities have no “power” you have to abide by Blizzards rules. I’m properly using the report feature to address bad behavior, maybe you should take a minute to read through the Code of conduct before you dig your hole any deeper.