Gonna start leaving premade bgs

All I did was go to bed and all of a sudden it’s a hundred plus more posts just overnight? I skimmed over most of the crap, I ain’t got time for that LOL.

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I mean that happens when I decide to post tee hee ;p

That is true.

yeah youre literally typing in a loop hole, epic bg premades are toxic and rule breaking and the players need to be banned or the system changed, thats the bottom line theres no justifying the level of toxicity epic bg premades bring.


Inemia and Snowcrest suck


Epic bgs are skillful content and contain no toxicity. They are more friendly than pet battles

Right? lol

From what I remember it was something like “150”-ish posts yesterday around bedtime. Just now waking up since about an hour ago, randomly open up this page and saw it had ballooned up to “290”+ replies in the span of like 7 hours haha

Hi Folks,

It is morning now and don’t we have real life work to do?

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We do, and I’m not checking back when I get home in ten hours, lol.


Very interesting


Sooooooooo you have what a jeckle and Hyde personality disorder? When you don’t have your delusion shades on yelling out loud annoyingly about how you’re a “ god” you I guess take them off to see the unfortunate state of what’s really there and that makes you violent?

Maybe? I was actually trying to self diagnose this the other day. Instead I just bought the skin for my Fortnite toon that was dr jeckel and mr hyde. But remember I did say that there’s some of my own self in these posts. And a lot of hyped up image being portrayed. Just when u think u have all the answers I change the questions

I get why people leave bgs early if you can tell it’s a loss.

What I don’t get is why you want to pvp at all if competition bothers you so much. Why play something you hate?

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Okay buddy…U need to relax. I have a doll…can you show me where the big bad horde touched you? :rofl: :rofl: :man_facepalming: get over yourself :rofl:

“Sorry, our group is full! Maybe another time.”

Run some 5 man groups all you want, but when you stack several 5-man groups and all queue together at the same time to try and get into the same game then that’s not cool.

Actually there was a time when Blizz prevented group queues into BGs.


wow, looks like the anti-social side is starting to come unhinged. you can’t even argue with words, no wonder you can’t pvp. if you can’t pvp, then you need to solve that before you blame all your problems on premades.

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This certainly blew up.

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One big Ally community runs one five man group and the other 50 or however many are on solo q, but still q synch with the 5 man. I’ve heard that many get left out and don’t make it in. But when they tell us all here “we only run a five man!” it is indeed very misleading.

Premades have been around forever on both sides. And some of us strat callers help call strat even when we solo q. :slight_smile:

I assume you’re talking about me lol.

I don’t only run with a 5-man.
If other people want to lead, we sync with multiple parties.

But if only one party (with a leader) pops, we just take it. We don’t “drop queue and re-sync” like other premades do.
We try to queue together, but if it doesn’t work, nbd.

I don’t remember exactly what I said, but that’s what I meant.
I’m sorry for communicating poorly, but I didn’t literally mean “only 5 people queue!”