People who want to Be heroic Demi-gods with “leet” gear so they can single-handedly steamroll groups of players solo and brag
Players, much in line with the model of real warfare, who use the tactical strength of numbers and team play.
Personally I feel that I prefer my chat uncluttered with shouted commands from some vein-popping poor sport who blames everyone else for his or her loss (or his talking about my mother or sister for that matter). In the communities I run with, there is a modicum of comradery and mostly amiable if sarcastic banter. I am not in it to be “the best” and I am not in it to beat down on anyone else. Again, the only person I can speak for is me, but I do feel that my comrades are of a like mind. The whole witch hunt around evil intent is silly at best, but mostly ludicrous.
I am curious how any of you that are so rabid about what you don’t like can find any happiness when you are constantly so worried about what everyone else is doing…to you. Being the eternal victim is such an unhappy place.
(I responded to Torture in regards to this thread, not to what SHE typed)
Vein popping poor sport…you got the wrong person there. DJL does play to win and usually does. Even if we don’t win, we give it our all. Even when I’m not there my team executes the same strats, such as a glorious IOC victory yesterday where the other team thought they were farming Horde while horde took down their gate and killed their boss, again. And I am a she, not that it matters any. Nor do I play the eternal victim, that’s an odd statement. Anybody that plays with us knows we are about one thing: Having fun together.
I am not on the blame wagon. I was referring to folks like Charming who are lashing their tongues out across their masses of serfs, proclaiming their worldly wisdom and vitriol, and letting us mere mortals know that:
“You’re rabid”
“You’re constantly worried about someone else”
“You can’t find any happiness”
“Get some friends”
“We’re not good enough for rated content”
W/e you clowns need to tell yourself to justify your exploiting. The fact remains that you aren’t supposed to have a premade group bigger than 5 in random BGs and EBGs. If you were allowed, you’d be able to queue as a raid. That you cannot is as clear a sign that you are breaking the rules by queue syncing as any
I honestly think most in this thread are unhappy with themselves. Time and time again it’s been said. Who cares it’s a game. At the end of the day does any of it really matter? If u hate it that much move on to something that doesn’t upset u. I wouldn’t keep playing something if it upset me the way it does so many of u. Grow up.
Because the people complaining enjoy playing epic BG’s. You’re ruining the game mode by cheating and destroying the content, you need to grow up and stop cheating a video game if it’s “just for fun”. People are paying to play the game and you’re preventing them from playing a fair match.
The best epic battleground matches are the ones where two premade clashes. It’s one of the most enjoyable content the game has to offer. I don’t remember most of my regular battlegrounds, rated battlegrounds or arena matches. But I sure as heck remember those massive battles where two premade clashes.
I don’t understand why anyone would want to take that away from people, especially since the alternative is being forced into random battlegrounds with many people who have no idea what to do. Premades are part of the epic battleground community; they’re here to stay because they make that game mode fun.
Most of you who don’t want us to synch queues are probably against the idea of having rated epic battlegrounds. Rated battlegrounds 10 vs 10 really don’t offer the same experience as a 30 vs 30+, where players care about the final result.