The item shows up blank, I can’t tmog it, the chest is infinitely clickable saying “You collected golden mobile timepiece” and yet I haven’t???
Having the same issue
same issue
If you are wearing gloves, make sure to remove them when applying the mog. It’s on the right wrist, however the paper doll in the transmog window only displays the left wrist.
Part of the problem is that it isn’t even showing up in the transmogs at all. I can also infinitely click and receive the timepiece, but trying to find it in my transmog list (no addons) is showing nothing. I did get a pink bit in the general window saying I’d collected the timepiece, but then I can continue to click on the chest and the image will come up for the timepiece, as if I hadn’t looted it from the box.
It says we were also supposed to get more tenders, but I am only getting 1000. I do not see any extra in my amount totals, either.
I’m not sure if this is just an issue for people who haven’t done this for 12 months straight (I missed a month due to RL) or if this might be due to something else.
I did try logging out and logging back in, but there seems to be no change to the issue.
Confirming the behavior noted above, infinitely lootable, does not actually appear in appearances. Please fix.
Exact same issue as Channyn.
Exactly the same here and I have the achievement for 12/12: Trading Post Enthusiast.
Also the same issue. I know it’s only a few days into January but, like. Still.
It keeps telling to me to loot it from the chest even after I loot it and doesn’t show up in the appearance collection.
Having the same issue. Glad to see I’m not the only one. Sad to not see any response from anyone @blizzard.
SAME No Item …
same issue here
upon relog the chest isn’t clickable anymore and it is in the appearances. Still can’t see it though, no icon.
Having the same issue, anyone figure out how to fix it yet?
same here, bugged for me too.
similar issue, no points but i have the mog
Any idea how to get the points?
Same problem for me! Someone squash this bug please.
I have the exact issue here as described to the T.
Same issue as well
SAME! anyone get answer yet?