Golden items when?

The final frontier of all games is “golden” gear. A prime example is in call of duty you can have golden guns. When are we going to get golden gear in WoW? Golden staffs, cloaks, mounts etc. It would be so easy to implement since they already have the base model and can just change the skin.

Mythic Uldir set is probably what you’re looking for then. Or the heroic SoD set. Take your pick.

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Questing greens in zandalar.


Simple WoW is by means nothing like CoD so if you ant golden weapons go play Overwatch or CoD or quest through zuldazar

But i want all my current gear but golden. It should be easy to implement

Maybe one day in the far future we’ll get armor dyes, but don’t count on it any time soon.

It’s not. Technical limitations will probably keep this from ever being a thing.

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Mainly an 80s and 90s thing. To have gold being the top of the top in video games. Like in Heroes of Might and Magic, the gold dragons were the top. That sort of deal. And gold gear and gold stuff in many games, the gold scale in Zelda, gold quiver, lots of that stuff.

Classic it was golden gear for the end game PvP stuff for pallies and warriors. Not so much anymore. Yes the gold gear and gold items really was a thing made by the teams who made games in the 80s and 90s and they kept making them later as well but you see that theme in so many games from that time period now. Still there to some extent.

I forgot blizz is a small indie dev

Artifacts have gold text in their tooltips. So in a way, we have had them and progressed past them.

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We already have golden things in the game. Mounts like the Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent, and gear like this:


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Ask Blizz for gold skins like Call of Duty and you’re gonna get Wii MW3 cheese quality looking skins.

Always have :gun:


But activision owns call of duty and so it should be easy to port the textures over.

You know, you’d think so. But Blizz can’t even design tooltips and charge counters anymore. Perhaps there’s an email in the works but it had to be temporarily disabled. They apologize for any inconvenience.

The only golden gun I ever cared about was in Goldeneye for the N64.

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They’ve literally addressed this topic in an interview before. Regurgitating memes won’t change this.

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You mean epic gear? Or things earned from achievements?

Why do people keep trying to shoehorn WoW into other games?

I don’t get it. Like… why?

Because golden gear is popular

There is no such thing in WoW.

Stop trying to insert other games into WoW. If you want to play those games and have this “golden gear”, then go do so.