Gold Trading Learn from My Mistake

There’s a reason all those conversations took place in Discord. Blizzard will do absolutely nothing about this.


They definitely won’t if they knew it was gold trading, but if he says it was “stolen” and they can see that his account didn’t get a large some of gold back on the account (to his classic toons) it’s going to look one sided, like it was hacked or stolen, in which case they might.

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You know they record the IP addresses that are used to access your account, right?

And that OP posted THIS thread?


and the past successful trades. maybe they would just ignore those.

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Trading gold is an unsupported transaction, not a forbidden one.

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Big whoosh there.

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The fool parting with his gold was on topic… you also must be a fool.

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Wanted to say thanks everyone for your contributions to this thread.

update after getting scammed ( me being an Idiot ) I submitted a Ticket to Blizz explaining what happened, and all the toon names he used to trade with me. a GM responded within 24hrs and was able to freeze all of his assets including all my Gold I traded him, his response and I quote ( A trade like this is not one we fully support or condone though as we do not allow for an in-game way to trade gold to other realms. The good news is I have made sure that this scammer will not trouble anyone anymore and was not able to pass on that gold. As we do not condone this type of trade it does mean that we will not be able to restore this gold ) Thanks to the GM’s swift action even though I know I will not be receiving this Gold anymore, I appreciate the effort that went into this, especially since the lead time on tickets was almost 4 days when I submitted this ticket.

Thanks all and have a blessed day!

That was in Chunks. : )

Yes, this prank was truly one for the ages.

32 mill was one chunk?

Actually, I made up several Macro’s in game to discuss our transactions, as well as the other individual, which I still don’t understand why he did it in the first place, so I had I game proof of what was going down including a program which saves all my chat logs. So because of this a GM responded to my ticket and I quote

  • I am going to personally look into this for you and take the appropriate action towards this player, please note a manual investigation will take quite a bit longer then a report ticket.
    A trade like this is not one we fully support or condone though as we do not allow for an in-game way to trade gold to other realms. The good news is I have made sure that this scammer will not trouble anyone anymore and was not able to pass on that gold. As we do not condone this type of trade it does mean that we will not be able to restore this gold*

So even if I didn’t get the Gold back, at least it was seized and he couldn’t make money off it or use those accounts to scam others.

Yes, although it hurt a lot, it was not all of my retail Gold.

32 mill, is not a value you move as a whole.

If your talking about single transactions then sure, you can only hold 9,999,999 gold on a single character, and this would require 3 separate trades, this makes sense, but when you start getting into the bowels of the WoW trading scene for mounts and rare items, 32million trades are not un heard of or strange at all.

Uh huh.

All that totally happened.

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No it wasn’t. Example one guy wanted 5k classic gold and each token was 300g. I gave him 300g then expected a token to keep going with the trade. Took a few mins but we got it all done and no one got ripped off. You didn’t see me giving him 5k all at once with nothing to hold.

So glad this happened to you, stop trying to de value my tbc time with your retail time, a-hole.

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