Gold Trading - Clear answer is needed!

It may just be transferring gold between two players on classic, but it hurts the competitive integrity of classic.


But the person receiving classic gold from the trade didn’t earn it

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But it still gives an unfair advantage to people who have a lot of gold in retail. I have to farm all of my gold because I haven’t touched retail and have 0 retail gold. Another player under your theory can just use all of their retail gold to get $1,000 gold in classic. An unfair advantage.

Well that’s life. I spent most of vanilla giving my son gold cause he spent it quicker than he earned it …lol
That’s why I was poor !

No different than if they bought gold from the gold sellers.
I imagine that happened in vanilla with the cost of epic mounts.

You’re absolutely right, they didn’t earn it, but what’s fair isn’t the point of the thread and is going to vary from person to person.

Unless Blizzard comes out and says Classic is the exception, it’s going to be allowed.

Those folks broke ToS and cheated. Blizzard has better engine for sniffing out real world trades.

Gifting gold is one thing, but the issue is any form of pay to win hurts the game.

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Your completely ignoring ( and at this stage it seems intentionally ) that the moment a player makes such an exchange, it gives that player a far stronger economic position than they would otherwise have, which is why they want to do it.

It’s like embezzling or laundering money. It’s done solely to improve the financial standing of one, to give an advantage that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

I don’t disagree. Yeah it would be nice if players just played the game and not try to gain financial advantage.

Could be why so many players love fresh realms…everything is new, everyone has $0

If one or both of you do that type of transaction a few times, I would not be surprised if it got looked at.

I have read about people getting caught much further down the road, long after they thought they were in the clear.

One of our old guild members claimed to have had to start over after being caught like a year later from buying gold. I wish that I could remember the detail.

no one is going to know if I trade Bfa Gold for classic gold.

You’re biggest problem will be finding someone with that much extra gold to sell. That won’t happen for a while.

I doubt it is a violation, but it IS a good way to get scammed.

Idk how they can enforce outside of the game (friend/guild/3rd party) but they could enforce via reporting of buy/selling tokens or gold in trade chat or anything visible to others and ban that. This would at least discourage it.

I like to help friend and trade gold with them

Except you can get in trouble for doing that. Trading in game items/services is allowed under Blizzard’s EULA and this will be too unless they say Classic is the exception.

Also, I’ve never denied that a person doing it will have an advantage. Of course they will. All I’ve said is it won’t wreck the economy like people in this thread claim it will, because no extra gold from outside of Classic is being injected to Classic.

I guess unless there was a realm transfer to deliver the gold to a particular realm. So that is gold entering a server economy that otherwise wouldn’t. But, I don’t think 1,000 gold would make any difference. Didn’t they have a cap of 10,000 gold or something on realm transfers?

The damage to the economy comes from the player being in a better financial position than they would have been otherwise…really dude, you seem intelligent, why is that simple thing such a difficult concept for you to grasp :confused:

As said before, I think we need a Blue to clarify this, as we both see it differently, as do others in this thread and were discussing something that has the potential result in a perma-ban. That alone is enough for me to not even consider doing it.

This happened in Runescape when they released the Old school Runescape. Jagex opted for selling the equivalent of the wow token so people wouldn’t get scammed. I mean, people who want easy money are gonna cheat either way and there will be bots. Maybe the wow token could save us a little bit of unnecessary drama. Just don’t introduce it in the first year or so.

It doesn’t matter, the amount of money on any individual servers stays the same. It has just moved from one player to another.