Gold Trading - Clear answer is needed!

If only there were some way to get mats in WoW besides buying them from another playerā€¦

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Unfortunately there is not.

I know seriously, whatā€™s up with all these cheaters who get mats to sell on the AH, do they have a GM working for them or something?

I mean how common is this gonna be? It seems super sketchy to be honest to trust someone with that amount of gold and that it will be honored in the trade.

I just do see this happening very often if ever.

I donā€™t think we need to run on the assumption that these are all shady deals with strangers. I think, because of the unsupported nature and inherent trust issues, itā€™ll be more common for people to make transactions with those they already know and trustā€”guildmates, etc.

Others have pointed out (though Iā€™ve never done it myself), trading between Blizzard games is apparently also allowed. Classic is just one more Blizzard game.

It really isnā€™t going to effect the economy as much as some people think. The gold still has to be farmed in Classic (which will be a chore), it isnā€™t being taken out of Classic, and no gold from Retail is being injected into Classic.


It really just seems like everyone is making mountains out of molehills here. Just doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s gonna be something that will have that huge of an effect. People bought gold all the time back in the day. Sure it was bannable and against TOS, but people still did it, and the economy survived.


As far as I can tell, so long as the initial gold was actually earned by those players, someone still hard to earn it and drive enonomy by doing so, so I donā€™t see the big deal. Itā€™s not particularly the same as buying with hard cash from gold sellers.

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nobody has any gold on the classic server so any gold you get there will prolly have been illegally obtained. I mean seriously, what retail main player is gonna have anything on classic?

I would have thought the same a month ago prior to logging into Refail for the first time in a decade. The first thing that I noticed, and I mean the very first, was how much inflation had devalued gold. I went to the AH and started investigating ( as itā€™s the hub for most economic activity in game ) only to find things like ā€˜linen clothā€™ or ā€˜copper oreā€™ selling for 800g to 1000g a stack. Thinking it had to be an aberration, I decided to post some of my spare materials from my bank, only to find that these things ARE selling at those insanely inflated prices, and itā€™s across the board.

Iā€™d say, itā€™s got a lot more effect on the economy than people are willing to recognize or acknowledge.

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Hadnā€™t occurred to me, but this is a pretty good idea to get me some fat $$$.

This is what I intend on doing, people who pay real $$ for token to buy classic gold will fund my sub just like they did in retail

That has nothing to do with Classic though. Thatā€™s because in retail you can log in and make 2000g from an emissary quest that takes 4 minutes.

All the inflation of Retail will do when it comes to trading for Classic gold is make Classic gold worth much more. You arenā€™t able to inject the thousands of gold from Retail into Classic.

Yea man, but thatā€™s like 15 years of inflation. And inflation was occurring on those servers long before WoW tokens existed.

Iā€™m not advocating for WoW tokens, thank god we donā€™t have those. But this type of transaction is not going to be nearly as common as someone buying a WoW token.

It wonā€™t be anywhere near as common as someone buying gold back in vanilla either.

This seems to cover it because itā€™s possible to buy gold in BfA via the WoW Token. They may not know thatā€™s where the BfA gold came from or went but, as an IRL analogy, you would not want to do anything that could be construed as money laundering, even if youā€™re not actually doing that.

Well we did have horde to alliance gold trading via the neutral AH

They also overlooked selling game time for gold. We could spam it openly in trade chat, it was never enforced.

Iā€™m sorry, you have no idea how much of an effect it will have. Go and read up on real world economicā€™s and the complexities of currency exchanges and hedging just for an example of how unseen / unrecognized economic factors can drastically alter outcomes.

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I think itā€™ll probably be considered an unsupported transaction. Itā€™s not illegal but if something did went wrong, Blizzard will not do anything about it. Thatā€™s because there is very little Blizzard can do to tell who is right or wrong, itā€™ll be basically he says she says problem.

Blizzard would not be able to tell if itā€™s someone who paid someone other form of currency for the 500 gold in Classic from me loaning/giving my best buddy 500gold to help buy his epic mount.

Thereā€™s no actual exchange between the games though. You realize that, right?

What this thread is talking about is this:
Person A gives Person B 100 gold in Classic.
Both swap to retail and Person B then gives Person A 100,000 gold in Retail.

The money gained in Classic is earned in Classic, no gold is pulled from the inflated economy of Retail. Someone still has to work for the gold in Classic and it would be in Classic whether they trade it for Retail gold or not.

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