Gold Seller Spam in in-game Mail

What? Sorry, I’m not really paying attention. Please explain.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dementia kicking in

Gotcha, well, if you can’t explain it, it’s not like I’ve gained or lost anything.

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This coming from a guy who blatantly supported extreme racism in another thread. I’m pretty sure Kumasama hopes you put him on ignore. No one wants to be associated with a person like you.

Woah, what? Really?

I’ve only gotten like 2-3 all of classic, definitely annoying, but wouldn’t call it spammed.

I’m sure it depends on server though.

I think they mean “spam” as in unwanted mail that comes into your inbox. Like how email works. We all have spam folders, in other words.

OH! An in game spam folder! Now why doesn’t Blizzard do this?

Actually the /ignore function seems to be working, however the people doing this just make new alts and send out mail in a mass mailing to all those on a server. Surely there is a way for Blizzard to track this and stop it? Are they on trial accounts? Then they cannot make alts on Classic, or can they?

Report and move on. All you can do.

You’re asking for an ideal world. But there’s always gonna be cheaters, spammers, etc. It’s how the game has always been.

Only way to stop it is to stop people from buying gold.

Think you can stop your community from buying gold?

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