Gold reset precedence

Honor was a currency in TBC and when the game originally moved into TBC they reset it to zero and gave you a title of your highest earned rank. Incoming “of the 15k club” title? Maybe some of you will be in the “of the 500 club” or maybe “is a bot” should just be a title for anything over 50k. I have mixed feelings on a reset. I worked hard for ever single piece of gold. Never did a gdkp, etc. That said, there are absurd things happening and there is precedence.


What benefits do you see happening as a result of a gold reset?

Not gonna lie, I’d love to have “is a bot” title.


Pretty much everyone will be trying to make the BoE epics for their mains. When you talk about the spellfire set alone it is 6 months worth of mats from a single crafter. They are already going to be expensive but with people running around at the gold cap they are going to be out of reach for a large portion of people. Those materials, low level leather working mats, low level metal and stones, and low level enchanting mats are all likely to get extorted by those with massive resources making things very very difficult for the average player.

Those are the down sides I see to having this amount of gold in the system.


Sure, but do you see any benefits of a gold reset?


False equivalency.

They completely overhauled the entire Honor system. It is 100% nothing like what you think it is and most assuredly does not define any precedent in anyway.

You act like people don’t have 6 tailors at level 60 ready to go to mass produce it.

Not really equivalent because honor was never a player tradable currency with a lot of uses, it had a single very specific use, buying honor gear.

Resetting honor every season was more in line with having a new rep grind every once in awhile. It was a very limited grind with very specific goals.

I see bots rejoicing. Competition has been wiped and they’d be free to bot and railroad a new expansion


OP, how much gold do you have?

It would definitely remove a very large amount of botted gold from the system. I am sitting on 18k of honest, hard work gold. I have not invested in mats yet. I would take a hit and that would suck but it may be for the greater good. I am on the fence.

And who do you think would be best equipped to make that gold back? The bots.

Guess what else you would do? Artificially create a new giant demand for gold, game-wide. That’s a gold sellers dream.


Why would it cause a demand for gold? Making gold is easy in TBC for even a casual player and the number 1 source of gold printing will already be removed.

If making gold is easy then there’s no reason to take gold away if it loses its value. You’re contradicting yourself.

You can’t be serious. An entire playerbase that’s rushing to buy flying mounts going from already being able to afford one to being suddenly broke doesn’t create a gold demand? Economics 101.


have fun spending 50k on your spellfire set if you want to raid any sooner than a couple months into tbc! The gold sinks are small but the economy will be an issue and that will create a much larger demand for gold than things like epic flying. That initial burst of demand will really hose things up.

Epic flying is not the issue. Making pre-bis crafted items and causing massively inflated prices for the few consumes we do get to use will be an issue.

lmao look at this gnome acting like primal fire is gonna cost 1,000g each. beyond delusional


Certainly. But, for how long?

I suppose the biggest benefit I see is for the RMT gold sellers, as a reset would just push those who have bought gold to buy more gold.

I don’t really see any lasting impact or benefit for the game on the whole.


Imagine thinking resetting gold would help. As if we didn’t just play 1.5yrs+ of a game that literally had us all starting at 0 only to end up in a place they think is so bad

This time will be different though right? Delusional. I’m beginning to think it’s botters pushing for gold reset. They stand to gain the most


with the aoe caps it will be better right out of the gate not counting any other additional action on botting.

your aware that the aoe cap only really affects mages and classes like paladin can still aoe effectively just fine right?