Gold reset precedence

Paladin bots everywhere

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A paladin isn’t gonna be pulling 500 mobs. The gold printing will be much slower. That will price many people out of gold if the stockpile is removed.

Bots arent pulling 500 mobs you muppet.

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The hell they aren’t!

source on 500+ pull bots

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obviously I can’t post a link to the sites you can download fully automated bots but I assure you they are out there.

No they arent

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I’m looking at a link to download one right now…

Bots are a problem. You don’t have to make things up to convince people of that. But punishing legit players to help the bots reset the market isn’t the solution nor will it solve anything. They will still be botting come TBC


prove that it is a 500+ pull bot.

paladins will in fact be able to bot pull instances like scholo and strat just fine come tbc especially at lv 70.

bots are a problem we get that but your not solving anything if you delete players gold.

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Are you dense? You think blizzard will let me post that sort of info? Not fishing for a ban…

so youve no proof?
got it

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You googled something with no evidence that it works. No videos of it ever being done. No eye witness accounts of it ever happening. But its true, because you said so on the internet and found a link to a scam site.

for the record ive googled myself and seen bot packages myself and only thing i can find in reference is 500+ gold per day…not 500+ mobs per pull.

and 500g per day is pathetic compared to the pickpocket bots

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like you can make that easy doing literally anything if you put in the effort yourself…

60g per hour aka 1440g per day

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A couple months? Lol people will be clearing content week 1. What world are you living in?

Honor wasn’t a currency in Classic WoW. So your concept kind of falls apart right from the get go.

it was still a currency in TBC that you earned in vanilla the same as the gold you earned in classic