Gold not delivered from sold auctions

got a response yesterday:

" Your ticket has received the following response:


We are aware of an issue with auction house mails not being received, and can confirm it is not working as intended. What’s happening here is that the mail is being delayed, which is why you see a notification, but no gold in the mail yet. This may also happen, even if you do not receive a notification. Our Developers are currently looking into this issue and working on a fix.

In this case, because players are receiving the mail eventually, we are asking everyone to wait for the gold or items to be delivered. This can take up to 72 hours."

Shortly after (way less than the ‘up to 72 hours’) I got the mail/money.

I’ve also seen some people saying they’ve listed a new ‘test’ auction, then cancelled it so the AH would send them the refund and that also triggered the missing mails to show up… but your mileage may vary.