Gold not delivered from sold auctions

I logged out last night on this toon, showing two sales of korthite on the AH. I logged in this morning and there was no gold from those sales in my mail. Anyway else having AH problems with the new patch?

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Not sure if you’ve had your stuff show up yet or not, but you’re the third post I’ve seen who had an issue. The first person, after they posted here it showed up like an hour later.

Now, if it still hasn’t show up, it could just be a borked UI issue. A good thing to try is a full on UI reset. Not a reload, but reset. You can follow the steps listed here:


I tried the full UI reset and nothing. The thing is, a few hours before this issue, I had some things on the AH sell and I got the gold from those like normal. So IDK.

If it’s still not shown up, then you will probably need to submit a ticket to have a GM take a peek. Now, just to preface, it is likely that you’ll get a templated response with some basic info or troubleshooting. Fear not! Towards the bottom of that response, there is a button. Something to the effect of “I still have an issue.” If you hit that, it goes into a higher queue that will put you into contact with a GM to look into things.

You can submit your ticket here:

Good luck!

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Something is going on with the mail. I have no addons at all and sometimes it will say i have mail when i go look nothing is there. Now im thinking the “no mail” was actually sold items in AH imma have to look deeper but there is something going on for sure

Blizzard did reimplement the mail notifications on the character select screen, which they tried to do last year at this time – only to turn off because of similar issues. It’s probably related to that.

Same issue last night.

I sold 300 Korthian Crystals (150 each on 2 different characters), one character got the notification + gold… the other got a mail notification, but when I checked box there was no mail. 10 hours later still no mail/gold.

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I ended up getting my mail once my other auctions expired. It’s possible that receiving mail from other sources could “push” your successful auctions through to the mailbox.

Perhaps you could try sending mail to yourself from an alt and see if that works. It’s worth a try!

Did that (and a full non-addon reset) before I even posted :wink:

Well, dang. Guess I just got lucky, then.

My mail notifications on the character select screen are wonky. It shows no mail for Character A, but when I send mail from Character B to A, the notification shows Character A has mail: from Character B, and the Auction House. I log in to Character A, who has a lot of mail from the AH, some of it from almost a day ago.

was redirected here from a ticket I put in, in game.

also not receiving gold from auctions I’ve made last night on 2 different characters for the same item, totalling roughly 100k

got exactly the same issue - I need that gold replaced.

got a response yesterday:

" Your ticket has received the following response:


We are aware of an issue with auction house mails not being received, and can confirm it is not working as intended. What’s happening here is that the mail is being delayed, which is why you see a notification, but no gold in the mail yet. This may also happen, even if you do not receive a notification. Our Developers are currently looking into this issue and working on a fix.

In this case, because players are receiving the mail eventually, we are asking everyone to wait for the gold or items to be delivered. This can take up to 72 hours."

Shortly after (way less than the ‘up to 72 hours’) I got the mail/money.

I’ve also seen some people saying they’ve listed a new ‘test’ auction, then cancelled it so the AH would send them the refund and that also triggered the missing mails to show up… but your mileage may vary.


Buying something in the AH seems to work fine i bought a few things and it worked ok.

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Seeing as I’m a player just like you - that is outside of my skill set. :slight_smile: I just am here to help folks as I can with getting their issues pushed to the proper places.

But you’ve got folks giving you some further fixes to try and nudge your auctions through!

Thank you so much for sharing that Tyzzi, I’ll be sure to link folks here who may crop up with the same issue outside of this particular thread. It’s good to know that it is a known issue and that they’re aware of it rather than some weird borkness that no one can explain.

I had the exact same problem. I put 12 Korthite Crystals on the AH and they sold last night. I had the mail indicator on the character select screen as well as when I logged on. However, when I went to open my mail, nothing was there. I didn’t get the gold, no mail showed up, and I don’t have the crystals back. I also have no auctions active on the AH.