Gold Making Tips

I’d rather do my actual job than farm mats.

I farm mats while at work.

It must be nice, I’m tryin to be like you, ma boy…

Yep, I always laugh when people legit get angry at this. How is this bad for me to use my disposable income for something I enjoy that opens up opportunities in game while also saving me a huge chunk of time I’d rather spend doing something else I enjoy in game instead of farming gold. It’s amazing how many tokens you can afford when you don’t spend your money on booze or cigarettes, in fact I guarantee you people who smoke or drink spend more in a week than most people do on tokens in 6 months.

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You’re absolutely right. Why spend hours doing stuff you don’t wanna do?

Probably way too late but I have made a killing with legendaries. Other crafted gear is selling quick on my server. The ilvl 87 gear is OP for gold making BTW!!!

Hey, completely off topic, but that hood transmog you’re wearing, can you still get it or was it limited time?

This. If you get to the point where you’re doing them on at least one character every single day, it becomes so routine that it doesn’t feel like you’re doing much of anything at all. I would hate to do them on ALL of my characters though. If you do them long enough on one character, you start to accumulate a lot of extra rep that contributes to paragon caches, which give around 4.5k gold.

When you have some downtime, maybe right before bedtime or when you’re really bored, do the 2 weekly quests in Oribos for dungeons. They award 500 rep tokens and can be done on reg for super quick runs. Every little bit of rep counts towards that 4.5k gold. I’ve also heard paragon caches drop mounts and pets, but I’m not a collector. :grin:

Imagine still having dividend stocks when there’s no cost transactions with most brokerages.

So you force cap gains for? What?

Dividends used to be a nice way to avoid fees from brokerages while getting a steady income in your old age.

Now people use dividends as young people when there’s little fees and you are far better off buy and holding long term then just paying the cap gains when you are old. .

Buy low sell High.

I know that’s the financial-world equivalent of:

But it really is the best money-making advice because markets change, prices fluctuate, and any specific recommendation in a living breathing market will be outdated almost as soon as it is uttered.

Spend a little time watching prices. Get familiar with Excel and the wonders it can provide. (for instance setting up a profit margin calculation to automatically calculate your AH fees and how much you need to buy/sell for to turn a profit based on only one or two inputs).

Then take some gold, invest it into some goods, turn them around and sell them. Make money.

Take your new larger amount of gold and repeat.

Just a quick side-note: Callings do become a bit of a time-sink the more alts you have, it’s not really “free gold” when it takes 3-4 hours of your day cycling thru different alts doing the same exact thing on each one… it’s a slog

I regularly leave a bunch of Calling gold “on the table” simply because it’s so boring doing the same crap on X number of alts, I just don’t feel like doing it

You can still get the purple one I think. The green one was for season 3 BFA pvp maybe?

I love it for aff because it fits the rot theme so well.

That’s a bummer, the green one would go with a transmog I have. The purple one doesn’t quite fit.

Yeah, it’s a fantastic set I love the plague doctor theme.

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Unless Blizz introduces a rank 8 legendary. I wouldn’t advise starting into the legendary from scratch.

Maybe. 249s are selling for 300%-400% the crafting cost on my realm at least, and anyone can make those.

Even so, unless said person wants to waste a lot of gold and has millions to invest without a care of possibly not getting anything out of it, it’s just not worth it.

I have rank 1’s going for 20k , doesn’t mean it sells.
The gold to invest for new gold makers, and telling them that the legendary market is a viable avenue is setting them up for failure.

There’s a distinct difference between a Rank 1 and a Rank 5. A 249 is much easier to sell for 30k than a 190 for 20k.

In today’s market, I continue to make millions per day from legendaries. Legendaries aren’t going away until the end of the expansion. I didn’t start doing legendaries until after Mage Tower returned. I’m not going to discourage anyone from trying to get started.

When you say this, either you are on a smaller realm and cornered the market or you are assuming those 249’s are selling when in fact it is just people putting the price up for that but rarely do they sell.

To get into it, takes lots and lots of gold, you got into it and set yourself up so you are able to make the sales, new gold makers I’d advise against, unless they want to lose more gold than they care to.

Wrong and wrong. I can and do make/sell 249s for those who ask me to, and I certainly do not have any markets cornered considering I have stiff competition.