Gold Making Tips

Invest in a vendor mount like the Yak. Pick up everything, sell junk in the field. It doesn’t seem like much at first but it adds up with everything else.


My tip for making gold: Steal all Humanbeak’s gold

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Buy Brutosaur and profit from anywhere Enjoy.

OK that was uncalled for.

Here … :adhesive_bandage:

Spending a little time to do mission table and callings everyday actually generate a decent amount of gold.

If you just do this on few characters and nothing else, you should still be able to make around 40k a week. Obviously, you will make more or less depending on your effort, how many characters you have, etc. Also, you can sell augment runes and other stuff that you get from mission tables. Everything adds up.

Yeah this is basically rich people telling poor people to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work harder and then they too will be “rich”.

It’ll never happen and toiling away in WoW spending 15 minutes to earn a few thousand gold is “good” but will NEVER make you as rich as people who can casually dump several million on the BMAH and still have gold capped TOONS left untouched.

To get that wealthy, you need to have a ton of wealth already available to basically buyout a market and relist it at gouged up prices AND even do what you can to control the supply so it becomes a major hassle and inconvenience for new players to get in on the action.

Blizzard helped make OP and his ilk this way by expecting people to pay for overpriced goods repeatedly. If Legendaries, for example, worked like the CC where you could earn a piece of gear and then later strip and convert it to a legendary item with only needing materials from doing stuff in the game, the gold makers would be in a world of hurt and basically left to rule the consumables market or the “casually rich” buying overpriced mog items or BOE’s.

I spent about an hour and a half herbing with a druid last night and turned it into 40,000g worth of flasks and weapon oils. You don’t need to do anything extraordinary to make good money in this game, other than to stop making excuses and putting in a minimum of effort.

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Easiest method: work 1 day of overtime and spend that money on tokens so you’ll never have to worry about gold again! :joy:

I dunno how this works on most servers but i’ve found skinning to be a rather nice way of getting surprise gold. Sometimes when say a daily in korthia is up to kill the bears, i spend maybe 20 or so mins skinning them and send it to my bank alt, usually results in a pretty tidy profit for very little actual effort. For maximum laziness, one can also pick up tailoring and whenever they’re killing humanoids more cloth appears.

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Yeah, that dude’s ramblings were so incoherent and laughable.

Back during Korthia’s heyday you could easily make 5-10,000g in an hour of skinning.

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I do a bit of crafting from older expansions. It sells slower, but there’s less competition.

Too much effort, not enough reward.

Example: Yesterday morning I bought all the boneshatter helm 291 legendaries off ah for 29k and relisted them at 95k, spent several hours last night delisting and relisting to keep them fresh at the top of the list. Purchased around 15 of them. It also reset the prices. By the time the last one sold I think other sellers had brought the market down to 84k. My overall average moving price on 15 helms was around 88k each with an initial price of 29k each.

Didn’t even have to move past the mailbox with Brutosaur mount, just watched tv and kept relisting helms.

You only need to watch for a certain item or items to get low in price, buy them all up, and reset the market value very high on them on the right day of the week, like a Tuesday reset.

I did this not just with the helms but also shadowghast rings, plate belts, cloth belts, and leather belts. All of which are pretty popular slots.

I am not trying to talk bad about your methods or anything, just to show you what you can do if you have enough laying around already. Whatever you think you might possibly need over a 2-3 day period, bank that gold and don’t use it. Then leverage the rest. Keep it tied up always in investments as much as possible as long as it makes sense.

Another example last night some bloke was selling Mekgineer choppers for like 500g over the cost to make them (was around 22k on our server to craft them) i bought several plus the two on ah and relisted them and they’ve all sold already. This movement was not huge, maybe like 5k profit each beyond what I paid, but I knew choppers move on my server and I was already heavily invested in the legendary market last night. So rather than let money sit in your bags, use it to your advantage.

But you really need to research each market and watch it and know your competitors. Just because you buy 10,000 ore doesn’t mean there aren’t 300 farmers with banks full of it ready to undercut you again. The key is to buyout entire markets of something that you are very familiar with, and that has a low probability of there being excess amounts of that item laying around for someone to undercut you heavily. You don’t want to get into a situation where you buy 10,000 ore just for some farmer to list 5,000 more ore at their original prices just to undercut you and sell faster.

I am constantly browsing the AH and hovering over items to see the character names of who is selling stuff, how often they delist and relist (how active are they in getting their listings back to the top of the list), doing cancel scanning, etc.

TLDR; If your gold is sitting, it’s doing nothing. Blizzard doesn’t pay interest on gold :frowning:

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There is a difference between makng “good” money in this game and bonkers wealth like the OP presumably has (especially considering how much he brags about he pays for carries and expensive stuff). Assuming he’s even halfway telling the truth, he certainly makes more money doing exactly what I said…buying and flipping auctions and controlling as many markets as he can.

I 100% agree for most people playing this game, you can get by doing callings and casually farming and paying people like the OP the ultra gouged rates for consumables and your legendary base pieces, but you’re not going to get a server of gold capped toons that way nor are you going to be the regular customers of no life mythic raid guilds carrying you to gear, achievements, and FOMO-exclusive content just like telling a janitor to take a 2nd job, don’t eat out, and put more money into a retirement fund isn’t going to make him Jeff Bezos one day.

But why would someone else playing and doing well in the game bother you? This game is a business simulation for many and I no more resent their success than I do the ones who are tanking mythic raids or getting to the top of the arena ladder. I’m having fun playing the way I do, and they’re enjoying their game.

Yes, my Shadowlands Master of All means that I just buyout markets and flip’em.


Yup, I find professions to be far more fun than the “pillars”. To each their own :slight_smile:

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Or you could spend 1 hour working and make 180k with a token! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sadly this is the most efficient way to make gold in WoW. And, you can then use that gold to do basically anything you want… buy access to raids, transmogs, pets, mounts… do what ever you want because tokens are broken and a terrible thing for the health of the game, Blizzard.

I can’t think of a more boring way to play the game than that.

Boo, work!

Boo, boring!



Tr… trade… chat? All I have access to is carry chat. Do I need to do an unlock quest for trade chat?