Gold making, at the moment

As long as the things for character progression don’t rely on massive sums of gold… “Legendary item pieces” come to mind. I could care less about WoW token removal, and I do use them admittingly.
Farming 100k gold for a baseline item to attach a legendary memory to seems like a giant waste of time. Gold farming isn’t what it used to be. With complex addons and time invested IN those addons to learn them (TSM), professions dwindling to pointless gimmicks (not including Enchanting/JC/Alch/??), Old Raid gold farm nerf… etc… I don’t want to spend more time farming for gold than actually playing the game.
That’s me. The workaround is to not charge large amounts for Vendor Mats, Time-gate high-importance mats that would otherwise sell for high amt on AH just to … benefit character in some way??
I don’t know. I hope that makes sense. There was an era where gold farming was a legit hobby, still is. Transmog farming is the only way I can see myself actually farming for gold in-game, besides quests/daily quests… which is another old-way.

but that already exists. It’s called heroic dungeons and LFR.

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What do you do with all that gold though? Also, is there still a cap on how much you can have?

Congrats, you aren’t buying a WoW token and still playing the game. See? You aren’t being forced to buy it like you apparently think blizz is doing to people. You’ve made it bro

10M per toon or guild bank iirc


Sure, there’s easy content out there but not all the content is easy. If you put something behind difficult content, something that people want and have no other way to get then they’re gonna buy dem boosts lol.

Ya and if you are buying from 3rd party sites and risking your account and RL money, vs buying a guaranteed risk free WoW token, than good luck

I’m still at a disadvantage to those that buy tokens, so no it’s still pay to win.

I have never hit cap, never even hit 1 mil… I literally buy mounts/pets/transmog I don’t have.
All cosmetic, and not for my character prog. silly.
I have max enchanting so I am covered on enchants…
I have max JC… covered there…??
All cosmetic.

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100% true. This isn’t a myth either. Have seen. Gold Farmers/Sellers would make a return… get ready trade chat!!! You think boost sales are bad??
Blizz would be strict on these for sure though. (Gold sellers)
Early WoW… Super annoying. Esp when they would whisper you.

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I would think there’s less risk these days wouldn’t you? If you have an authenticator then you should be fairly safe, if you are smoothbrained and give people access to your account then well :man_shrugging:

I don’t know about you guys but if I tell my bank to refund my money they’re gonna refund it :laughing:

no problem. they just need to get rid of the fancy titles and mounts. if you wont treat it as exclusive, why should they bother to give “exclusive” prizes?

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Right, not everyone is good enough to kill the raid end boss on heroic or mythic, or get KSH or KSM. And that’s ok. It gives people something to aspire to and a goal to focus the drive to improve. From what I recall in warlords, there wasn’t much focus or anger about the devs adding bling and bonus effects to the mythic raid set or elite PvP sets.

If purchase goes thru… I don’t know if a bank can legally really “refund” money… it would be the seller… you didn’t pay the bank.

How are you at a disadvantage??? Are you mythic raiding or running +20 or higher keys? If not than why would you need to worry about gold anyways. And if you are running that, then why not sell boosts and make the gold and not be at that “disadvantage”?

If I’m a casual player and don’t need to worry about consumables, legendaries, gear, enchants, etc, then what disadvantage am I at when I’m not running content that needs it

They’re like 75g each on my realm right now.

For the Veiled Augment Rune, they run at 257g on my server rn. I get them every now and then and resell. No huge profit ig… but something!!


:man_shrugging: I had a case where someone didn’t provide what they said they were going to provide, I told my bank these fools dumb, my bank gave me back my money, the person emailed me like “If you don’t reverse that we’re never doing business with you again” :laughing: Like I planned to continue doing business with them after that.

Why even go through the hassle in the first place. Unless these gold sites are selling for literally half the price of the WoW token, than why even remotely have the risk, makes no sense. I clearly remember the BC and wotlk days of people getting hacked constantly losing their stuff due to these types of sites. If they ever came back as strong as they were with demand it would be right back to that

You may use the in-game Shop to purchase a maximum of 20 Tokens per week.

Want 20m gold tomorrow? Only way that’s happening is gold sellers :man_shrugging: