Gold making, at the moment

Yes. They should be ashamed of themselves for adding a feature to the game that makes it worse. I didn’t have a problem with the WoW token when it was first created but over time it has shifted the game in an unhealthy way towards pay to win and has affected the in game economy and diminished other routes of making gold. Want to know why they nerfed old raid farming? They wanted people to buy more tokens.

They also don’t crack down on bots either because they get a profit from them.


I am getting FLASHBACKS over here !!!
I remember those days.


How do you define “winning” in World of Warcraft?

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50K per character per week of almost passive income seems to be about normal from what I’ve seen and personally experienced. Using that as a baseline the prices of various in-game things (mostly legendaries, I don’t deal with carries) seem pretty fair to me.

Games that are actually pay to win will have a giant gap between payers and everyone else. Here all buying gold does it get you a legendary two weeks faster and get carried through content that nobody will respect you for.

Hell, I spend 700-1000g on consumes and repairs on every mythic plus dungeon I run on my bear alt and he still manages to have net positive gold income purely off his mission table and callings.


Ok but explain this then… A guy wants to buy a boost so he buys a WoW token to pay for said boost. Meanwhile you have 4 boosters, and a advertiser making a good amount of gold for doing the boost. Those 5 people then do not need to buy WoW tokens because they make their gold from doing the boosts.

That means that due to these boosts, you have only 1 of those 6 people needing to buy tokens now, as opposed to if there wasn’t boosts allowed, I would have to buy tokens to fund my consumables, legendaries, etc.

So no, the WoW token isn’t to blame for your hatred towards boosting because if anything it saves more people from having to buy tokens by doing these runs

Your logic is flawed. The WoW token is funding the gold that is being made. However you split the gold is completely irrelevant

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if you are a m+ or high level raider it is. it is a lot slower without the high I lvl

They’re been nerfing gold farming from old raids since before the token was out, so no it wasn’t to get people to buy tokens.

My logic is not flawed lol. Clearly you failed math class dude. If they make boosting against TOS, explain to me how token sales don’t actually go up. I literally do not need to buy WoW tokens ever because of doing these boosts

Ya the WoW token is essentially being split amongst the boosters doing the carry. But now those boosters don’t need to buy WoW tokens themselves. Don’t understand how it’s hard to see that

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If I just did callings every day on my main, it would be enough gold to pay for my augment runes easy.

You can literally make 1.5k gold in 10 minutes through callings. No raid or m+ needed.

that sounds like a full 3 callings per toon, so you can only do that every 3 days. if you’re doing it every day, expect about 1/3 of that from callings

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They push WoW tokens by designing content that casuals will pay for to clear in order to have something. I swear the game would improve if they didn’t have WoW tokens and actually had to put time into improving the game and increasing subscriber counts instead of trying to create more ways to have people buy stuff from the store and WoW tokens

y pay when command table free???
JK. they’re scarce. those suckers are spendy tho for what they are… 18 primary stat for large sum of gold??
I do command table missions w/ those for rewards just for resale. fun


This is inevitable… unless they make content that any and every casual can clear.

I’m not sure what you even mean here. The idea that they design the game around the WoW token is ridiculous. If you don’t like the token, DON’T BUY IT.

Because people have this idea “you should work for everything you get” and they place value in the things in game. That’s not really my bag, idc what other people are doing I only care about my experience.

You act as if these people are being forced to buy WoW tokens and have no choice in the matter. Obviously these people buying the token feel the money is worth it, or they wouldn’t buy it. It’s the price you pay if you want to be a casual player but get achievements that you aren’t skilled enough to get yourself. It’s a decision, not a requirement.

You obviously are ignorant as to why the WoW token is good for the game. Clearly you don’t recall before the wow token where people would buy gold from 3rd party websites that would then hack players accounts and steal everything in order to get the gold to sell. Which then caused more work for blizzard by retrieving everything that was lost on those players accounts, and the player had to wait and not play the game until it was resolved.

Wish people would look more into why things are the way they are, rather than continue to be ignorant


This has been suggested before :laughing:

Just keep bleeding the whales dry. Paying money for gold is something that should exist in a mobile game. I already play one of those and pay money for I can get what I want. It shouldn’t exist in an mmo and it’s a real shame. They need to remove the subscription fee if they’re going to keep going down this spiral of sucking money from whales and throwing anybody that cares about actual game quality under the bus.

I’m never buying a WoW token so I can at least have my small victory I suppose of not supporting the system.

They still do :laughing: