Gold cap too low

I haven’t looked at this thread in a couple weeks and wanted to comment that I don’t think a single guild in the whitemane gdkp discord is buying accounts, atleast none I’ve heard of.

Our reasons for selling mounts is so we have gold to give our raiders so they can go to gdkps and buy gear as a supplemental way of getting gear for the next tier without having to do an entire additional split raid.

We sell a head for 300k, we give 2 people 150k and tell them to go buy gear in a gdkp. This is very similar to how you see retail guilds buying heroic lockouts for their raiders the week before the mythic pushes. Our stuff isn’t super different, the top retail guilds are just better at it and doing much more difficult content so it makes more sense that they are doing it compared to us.

I don’t think any of the organizers on walmane are making irl money as most of them are just recycling it by going into other gdkps and buying gear.

The large annoyance is that we have had multiple gdkps break 1mil pots. Thats 5-6 gold caps being traded in a single raid and it’s frustrating that a raid leader now has to trust people in their gdkp to hold it for them and not take off with it or constantly mail themselves hundreds of thousands of gold. We have tools via the community to blacklist people that do stuff like run off with gold but our ability to manage stuff like that is limited.

This is wildly off base. Gold buyers would still buy gold if in game items were cheaper. They’d just buy more stuff in game with the gold.

Everyone has their own interests in game. Some people enjoy raiding. some people enjoy doing dungeons. Some people enjoy collecting things. Some people enjoy PvP. Some people enjoy farming achievs. And yes, some people enjoy gold farming.

Just because you don’t feel the desire to reach gold cap, doesn’t mean no one does.

Capitalism at it’s best.

How about they just ban GDKPs and selling mounts from runs like this instead?


I don’t actually care, I was curious. But if you want the cap raised, you will have to justify it to Blizzard.

Obvious troll looking for attention on how much gold they are making off swipers. You have 250k-500k sales and its not your fault people have to buy gold to reach that lol. What a transparent troll. Good laugh tho


im yet to see a more pathetic post

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Unless you bot or live in a 3rd world country, selling Gold is insanely inefficient to get Money.

I “dropped” around 150k gold in the last 4 weeks.
And now i have 60k more gold than i had before.
Why should i care buying a good item for 30k, when i get 10-15k cut in the average gdkp on my server ?

And the root of all problems is - bots.
Its not only the Gold sellers that impact the economy.
Its also the Farmbots for mining that have a huge impact.
I´ve crafted somewhere in the realm of 20-30k Rings/necklaces on my JC Paladin, mostly while raiding/playing on my other account, or while working. That is generating a lot of Gold, since the Crafted items sell for 3,14 Gold each, while the materials sell for much less, and i really dont believe that a regular player would sell 500+ AeonEarth or 50 stacks of green Gems in the Auction House.

On the other hand, just by raiding during P1 on multiple characters, even without GDKP, just by playing THE GAME i´ve made over 10k Gold just from Bossgold drops.

People claiming that you have to be a swiper to enjoy GDKP are just clueless.
Friend of mine went GDKP as a carry for all of P1, on 5 Characters, i guess i dont have to explain why he does not even flinch when buying a Flare for his Maincharacter in a GDKP.

Even with the most basic Trade you can get close to limitless amounts of Gold.
On my server, and i somehow doubt that we are special in that aspect, most consumables and crafting mats, prime example being epic shards, get a daily low at around 10PM, then climb up in prices till they hit the peak at around 11am the next day.

This has been going on for pretty much all of Wotlk so far, and is applicable to pretty much all consumes and enchanting mats + JC stuff.
Not even talking about how easy you could get gold by just selling enchants to lazy people that dont bother to find an enchanter and rather pay up to a 100% more than the material cost to get an already done enchanting scroll instead.

This whole thread i read a lot of jealousy and people that are outright uninformed on the topic of how to get gold.

Either you have time - then take part in the GDKP game and get your gold there -

or you dont have much time, then just be smart and use the Auction House.
Or do both.

You really believe that they’re not one in the same?

That is by far one of the least effective methods to make gold (unless you’re botting).

Because he’s using someone elses RMT gold.

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Making gold by afk crafting and tsm selling to vendors is not effective? Okay.
I´d call it 100% calculatable profit, zero risk, zero time investment.

That is under your assumption that others RMT in the DKP´s.
But i´ve been told, as has he, that we are obvious swipers, for buying Items in DKP for high sums (highest so far was flare for 67k, which i wouldnt even deem to be high) - even though we are not, and the gold was made without RMT.

Its hard to tell tbh, some people already where way above their 100k gold in vanilla classic, just by stocking high amount of crafting mats that would rise a lot during phase releases, such as firebloom and violet lotus.

Its stupid to claim people are RMT users just because you lack the imagination on how to get gold in wow.

The only aspect i generally agree on is that botters have insane effect on server economys by generating loads of raw gold, either directly or indirectly - but that is also coupled by the innate problem of Wotlk, that in general creates insane amount of gold influx just from the non botting regular players, without giving nearly enough gold sink as a countermeassure.
Just by happily playing and not thinking about efficient ways of gold creation a normal player can easily create 1-2k gold each week, without spending his life in wow.

Easy to lololol like a braindead clown when you make baseless claims without evidence or logic.

I only have around 40k most is from doing strat boosts in tbc and a few gdkps… for the average new player it’s going to feel really bad trying to gear up/clear Ulduar unless you find a guild that will help you. People already have alts that are close to 5k GS from GDKPs. Hell I even had trouble getting into M+ on my mage Alt who is 4.2GS. Game is p2w for the most part. I know people who have every class maxed and geared and even multiple of the same classes and they run 8+ GDKPs a week it’s insane. People are even starting to sell titles again I saw a GDKP selling “Herald of the Titans”.


I didn’t say it wasn’t, I said what I’ve seen. Although sure, generally it’s not great through normal methods. Which I said in my post I wasn’t going to talk about “methods” but there are some to generate enough that it is worth it. I’ve spoken directly to 4 or 5 people who have sold gold and live in the USA. Their methods of gold-making have been creative. To be fair though through GDKPs only organizing them will bring in enough gold to sell in the NA and be “worth it” but with that being said this kind of fits the OP shrug (although I personally haven’t accused because I don’t know).

I’ve also seen people from those third-world countries (stated by them) upset on other discords about gold making when their methods like manually farming mats don’t work anymore. Scrambling to find another way.

Believe what I’m saying or don’t, I don’t care. I know what I do because I pay attention to things. Honestly, I find these kinds of conversations quite a bit more interesting than actually running GDKPs (which I find boring and pointless enough to not waste any real-life time with), so maybe I’ve noticed more.

So no, not all gold is sold by botters and never has been. Botting tends to devalue gold and items and ends up bringing too much gold into the economy. Then GDKPs have bigger pots out of reach of regular farming methods. Sure playing the AH will still work - but do you actually want more competition there to where everyone is doing it?

Yes, the bots exist thanks to gold buyers and overall botting is a big problem yes. Blizzard should get tougher on botting, suspend gold buyers for 6 months, and on top of that figure out the loopholes to spot who’s buying and using things like burner accounts and guild banks (and yes, GDKP gold cleaning).

Edit: I don’t know how much of what’s being commented on is “jealousy”, maybe some of it. Maybe some of it is people trying to do battlegrounds and not being able to do them properly etc because they are so botted and people are looking for where that gold is going. What is gold really needed for outside of GDKPs? Yeah… very little. You can get all you need through dailies. I’ve been raid logging for like 3 months and I have way more than enough gold left to make it to the end of the expansion, so my level of care about getting more is zero.

GDKPs do not create the gold being circulated. They create a demand without creating the resource to meet the demand. That means bots fill the void created by the demand. GDKPs are the cause of bots because GDKPs make BiS = gold. The more BiS, the more gold.

It’s not a difficult concept and people are being willfully ignorant when they refuse to acknowledge the relationship GDKPs have with RMT at this point.


Exhibit A: Jumping to conclusions, which is all this person ever does.

It’s like one of those insane people who have red strings and pictures in their closet trying to find out where the aliens are hiding the food we put in the garbage disposal.

Just looked at current rates and it’s $2/1000g.

You would need to farm and sell 50,000 gold a day to even make $100/day in the US.

Yeah, I addressed that in the bolded part. Farming and selling are normal methods, and vendor and craft flips are normal methods too. I also said that just being in GDKPs isn’t good enough. I knew a guy who would get a 12k+ org cut each GDKP in TBCC, he never said what he was doing with it and maybe in his case, he was holding or just using it to gear alts. I don’t know what the “value” was there because I never buy it, well I don’t do any RMT and never have so I would only check to research. Pretty sure it was worth more than what you said though in TBCC.

To be fair most of the people I talked to were in “Vanilla” Classic, not Wrath Classic where things were a little different.

Not sure about tbc rates as I don’t buy gold, I simply just checked now to see how much it would be since it was brought up.

Alright, if that was your point that’s fair.