you already seem to suggest that you have an over-abundance. If you want to be a pack of greedy grubs, you hoop jump your way out of it. Dont ask for gimmicks to make it “easy”. PS theres nothing you can offer blizzard that will make your position seem more appealing. Especially if indeed practices like that you partake in are encouraging gold farming and RMT operators
In fact you might want to not raise your voice to loud or blizzard may work against the people empowering those who funnel you gold in the first place
To counter inflation, Blizzard should impliment a monthly incrimental wealth tax.
Problem solved.
What you described is a job not easy. Not everyone wants to farm all day level 5 characters work on all the professions sell and more. That is not easy.
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Cry more pls it give me more to laugh at. This is not an issue it’s a you problem.
I am asking the samw thing. What do you need all of that gold for? What are you going to do with it? I dont care if they raise the cap. I dont care if they chamged it to no limit. Im just curious about what you do with all of that gold.
Scrolling up just a bit provided you with the answer.
Contested 25 man hard mode bis gear on Whitemane is going for 100k gold+ per item…
It’s genuinely insane the absolute mental disconnect you have as a player in classic right now.
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They should just ban GDKPs and the people who run them/trade gold caps in them.
They need all that gold to sell so they can buy multiple accounts and max level toons to do split runs with. They run multiple GDKPs throughout the week. Hence why they are called Get Carried. They sell progression and gear and then sell gold.
Yeah, that guy above guild is called “buff guys only” because they only allow buff guys. This must be verified by facetime chat.
The guy above that they must practice black magic on a cast away area of society.
The absolute clownery of this guy! Our guild name is obviously a joke that you join the guild and get carried by Drkael.
Translation again for those in the back.
I don’t understand, are they buying gold or are they selling mims heads? 1 mil+ gold from mims heads is a lot of capital for gearing those alts.
Don’t you guys also break TOS by hosting a private server you paid $500+ for in order to practice speed running? Again, your absolute disconnect is astonishing and pathetic at the same time.
GDKPs are fine, but the gold cap is also fine the way it is right now.
Gold cap should absolutely not be raised until Blizz finds a way to truly deal with the gold sellers and gold buyers. The only reason mounts sell for 250k gold rather than 25k gold is because of gold selling.
Raising the gold cap is only going to amplify that problem and this has a larger impact to the game beyond your GDKPs – as the value of gold goes down due the economy being saturated with it the price of everything on the AH goes up. So no, I’m not interested in paying more for things on the AH just so your guild can keep selling mounts for 250k gold in GDKPs
bro you are probably selling gold please stop. you ARE the problem
Sorry, forgot to post the proof Holyseizure throws a fit about.
Apparently can’t but there’s screenshots
Speaking of throwing a fit, you are only on the forums to talk about this single thing. Scorned raider perhaps? Couldn’t make the cut? And you used the word “pathetic” rofl.
Classic was made because of, and for private server players.
This is pretty messed up if true and is pretty much the opposite of what should be going on. Holyseizure (I totally overlooked the guild at first because he posts here all the time) says the gold is used to gear the guild but he also is totally out of touch with reality in writing that only botters sell gold. Anyone paying even the smallest amount of attention would know that’s not true. So saying something like that is not a sign that someone should be trusted. (and yes some GDKP people sell gold - some have told me flat-out they do and they also make it obvious - definitely not everyone but some)
Anyway on the subject, there’s a CC person that asked who has your back and has made long posts about gold caps being raised but Blizzard said no 3 months ago and there is absolutely no reason why that answer would or should change, especially since the vast majority of players don’t see it as necessary. Those posts also got almost no likes meaning that very few care. This is the type of thing that is only a problem if you make it one.
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Well i took selling gold out of the equation since it obviously sets around not beimg used. If it was beimg sold then there would be no reason to keep that much.
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My statement was not that ONLY botters are gold sellers. It was that the vast majority of them are and contribute most of the illicit gold at any time.
They make pug raiding more efficient and more worth going to than any other loot system out there.
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