And blizzard shouldnt feel forced to raise a gold cap due to a few guilds selling runs for gold. The end
The OP’s guild is a progression focused guild that organizes a bunch of GDKPs. Their runs hit gold cap all the time. It’s not about hoarding gold. It’s about making it easier for them to handle gold when running GDKPs.
They use said gold from GDKPs to buy accounts of max level toons then outfit those accounts in BiS quickly so that they have multiple comps to rotate in for progression. It’s also a side hustle for a lot of these guilds and their leadership. I know this because I know other people within their Discord networks on Whitemane who do the same thing to push progression in their guild(while making money).
GDKPs trading gold caps are just a few degrees of separation that buyers/sellers use to clean their hands and say “I didn’t buy this gold or sell it, I just traded it to people involved with the GDKP”.
That’s exactly what a gold seller would say
An opinion to which you are entitled to, without hurtling unfounded accusations like a child. Well done sir.
Sounds like you should either not be inflating prices on mounts people can grind in legacy ulduar for free.
• Give gold away to people
• Stop being greedy? Who needs more guilds to hold gold? Its an imaginary currency. Just get rid of it or donate it to other guilds.
• From the way it sounds this “income” of video game money and be distributed to keep youe server’s economy stable. Instead of complaining you’re holding onto so much, find ways to spend it.
Boohoo sounds like a non issue. GDKP is incredibly toxic and bad for the game. Hope it’s eventually banned.
You seem really invested in defending a practice that creates almost all the demand for gold selling in Classic. I wonder why
He says as his guild is complaining that they have 5 guild banks filled with gold
How much is guild banks capped by in WOTLK? 200k? Is it a mill? Are you guys sitting on 1M to 5M gold and have nothing to spend it on?
If you’re legitimate what in the actual hell is the point of all this gold? If you use it to fuel raid consumables and BoEs ya’ll must be set for the rest of WOTLK at this point.
Some people just like being rich. They had weird childhoods and now their whole personalities are based around acquiring wealth, and that wealth fill them with feelings of superiority. You don’t end up with 5 capped gbanks if youre just having fun, there’s got to be an uncontrollable conpulsion to acquire wealth there. It would make me sad for them if it weren’t for the fact that people like this are at the root of so many real world problems.
Yeah I also hoarded a lot for a long time because it was just a novel concept to me to be rich. I just spread my gold across all my toons and never really tracked it.
These days I am just highly sus of anyone wanting to hoard gold to hoard it. Boosting teams have claimed the entire time they were gold only, but all that really meant was that they were far enough removed from the selling process that they weren’t being held accountable/feign ignorance.
Totally! You should just be able to buy enough shares in Activision Vision with your gold that you secure some seats on the board of directors and are able to get gold limits increased for those who need it.
Perhaps have a premium or VIP type account or guild that requires all guildies to have premium WoW subscriptions (same as normal subs, but at a cost of $150/month). This sub comes with special perks like the title, “VIP,” a VIP tabard, and larger gold limits.
You will want to field the best geared raid team that you can for the realm first race phase 3.
With hard mode pieces being only 1 per boss, full raid with hard mode bis will likely not happen, even with split runs.
If the raid can send some main raiders into random gdkps on the server, they can buy hardmode items there, guild funded. Making progress towards the goal of improving realm/world ranking.
Ban gdkp. Problem solved. Unskilled players buying thier way to gearscore seems like a larger problem.
GDKP is just another player transaction that a free market economy game allows. its not getting banned.
it can be reduced/removed other ways. Later retail has one method.
Players did not like it. Personal loot. It fixed gdkp.
you can’t auction off gear if people can’t even pass it up to the loot pile. Boss 1, 4 drops. each drop is a legit upgrade for the winners.
they have to take the gear. trade is not even an option.
And thus gdkp died. it works off of master loot to loot council/gm gear distribution. in this case the LC is the organizers of the run. Remove that, gdkp breaks.
First time I saw this I was wheezing in discord I was laughing so hard.
They were like omg old man having a heart attack.
Nah y’all out here investing in a piece of gear/pixels you’re gonna vendor or dust in less than six months weeks days.
I dropped raid. Because it’s still trading a real fungible commodity not in-game currency.
LOL @ “not real money”.
I’d heard rumors people were doing it but didn’t believe till I saw it.
Dang. Some people are idiots.
Exactly this. Cap it at 10,000 and get rid of this trash.
By that logic gold buying should also be allowed and direct purchase of gear in a cash shop should be too.
technically the gold buying is. Token for classic gold is allowed. its not supported. Buyer beware applies. if scammed CS will drop the case.
that is player to player. retail player deciding they want classic gold not retail gold. A cross game free market trade if you will.
the store sale of items would not be player to player. That be game company to player. not free market. as they would most likely be BOA. Retails store mounts are boa is what I am basing this on.
also a non issue…even retail doesn’t have this. Raid or death is how wow rolls. even DF’s BIS crafteds are not as vital as SL’s lego’s were. Imo. they learned from that a bit it seems.
Tandoor received 1.5 million gold for the server first Mimiron’s Head from someone everyone on Whitemane knows buys gold, and Blizzard didn’t bat an eye. Most members in Get Carried are buying gold to fund their alts for split speed runs.