Gold Buying Ban Waves Killed SOM

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Gold farming has ruined both SOM and TBC. Blizzard done _____ up and are trying to fix the problem with a bandaid. Instead of going for the buyers deal with the sellers. Increase the respawn rate of terocone for example and completely kill the market for it.


if this is true, I am happy to be a Blizzard customer. i still think perma is more appropriate but this full gold removal is a start.

you deserve that slap in the face. you have earned it. now turn the other cheek!


Buying gold is cheating and it’s IP theft.

Suspensions, along with the removal of funds/purchased goods are totally warranted.

If you bought gold, your guild doesn’t need you. The community doesn’t need you.


Hopefully you, your friends, guild and anyone you know enjoys the ban from buying gold. We can only hope it becomes a permanent ban.

Bye :wave:


If buying gold illegally against Blizzard’s T.O.S. is what killed a game, your playerbase may be the problem.

If you can’t farm your own gold or consumables and chose to P2W, you are an idiot and a bad player.


Gold buying makes the entire economy so bad that it snowballs and more people buy gold. Ban bots, ban gold buyers and sellers. And allow players to actually play the game to achieve their goals. ez pz?


lol too bad it ain’t retroactive…

Maybe this could be changed to a post/thread supporting a wow token?


Honestly it’s a scum move from blizzard. They literally turn a blind eye towards Botting to boost sub numbers then ban actual players for buying the gold that they let the bots openly farm.

I would support them banning players if they actually attempted to ban the root cause of the issue (bots). But it is very obvious they do not even try.

I have reported the same bot for about a month now, farming random mobs in aszhara 24/7, literally the entire server talks about his Botting in world chat and everyone reports him constantly. Anyone who plays on swamp of sorrows would have seen him his name is doubledagger the orc warlock.

He threw some edgemasters up the other day on the ah, the dude has literally 24/7 farmed enough mobs for over a month to get a pair of edgemasters… Pull your finger out blizzard.


Legrand-e on swamp of sorrows is the same way. I saw him on my first toon in stonetalon mountains and my next 4 reporting him each time. Then I started spamming lfg about him getting him reported.

Hes currently online and level 47. He was 25-40 in stonetalon. Now at 47 hes in tanaris I assume at the turtles far south. He does dissapear for days at a time so I guess he gets banned once a month for 3 days.

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Yeah man it’s honestly a joke. Blizz does a ban wave once every 6 months to make everyone think they are making a change, then just go back to doing nothing and occasionally say “it’s hard to find bots”… Well how did you manage to ban thousands of bots instantly but can’t manage to ban one bot after a month?

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“they put stuff on the ah though”

Actual response from other horde.

Permanent ban to gold buyers.

Losers that get permanent bans for buying gold will be more hesitant on purchasing if there is a chance they lose their account.

Plus greedy Blizz can get another subscription for the junkies that open new accounts. Small dent for big improvement.


This guy gets it and is aware. Blizzard nerfed all gold farms. This was a mistake that will show its rear later around aq patch. Yea they made consumables easier but players still need ALOT of raw gold to operate. But it’s ok, when they see their game is failing they will make changes for example mass xfers to Jom and alchemy pot procs. Nerfing bwl and mc rag. Yes I’m calling out blizzard. I know they are my posts. They know I know they’re incompetent

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I feel like they don’t even know they are rapidly killing their own game. Mass bans out to the playerbase but no effort whatsoever at banning the bots. So many people have quit and there is just no motivation for them to come back knowing what blizzard is doing with their game.

They can’t expect to fund the game with bot subs when there is noone to buy the gold off them. Then they’ll go find another game too and blizzard has basically killed an easy money maker by just assuming we will all keep playing no matter what they do to us.


maybe…don’t buy gold then


Whilst I don’t support gold buying I’d rather blizz took action against people exploiting the game for their personal financial gain who care extremely little about the game than actual players.

Whilst I don’t agree with gold buying a lot of people are just lazy and only buy it because it’s so cheap and easy to get. Ban the buyers, increase the price and less people will buy gold and less people will not as a result of it being less profitable and move to other games.

Sucks to be them when they get caught and banned. I will not make or accept excuses for buying gold from a seller that is not Blizzard. But not only should the buyers be penalized - sellers and bots farming the gold/items should be banned or shut down as well. I would like to see all of the parties involved in this gone but just because one group may be easier to catch/identify doesn’t mean that they should skate off till the others are rounded up.

Blizzard is playing whack-a-mole and they need more people with hammers.

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Blizzard just doesn’t want to do it. They claim they can’t find the bots fast enough and yet they are able to ban thousands in one go at the drop of a hat, but apparently they can’t find any bots when they don’t decide to do a ban wave to convince people they are trying to get rid of them.

So on one hand they claim it takes ages to ban one bot, but then have the ability to bans thousands of bots instantly… I’m not buying that.