Gold Buying Ban Waves Killed SOM

Blizzard should call your mom and have her slap your face for buying gold.


Could we all take turns a la Airplane!


Oh, dang. Just discovered that’s rated PG.

I know what I’m watching with the kiddo this weekend.


Only in WoW I have ever seen such leniency with gold buyers and just the attitudes toward it in general. Coming from runescape originally RWT was the cardinal sin and you got perma’d no appeals period. I was shocked to see 14 day-bans for RWTers tbh, extremely lenient to the point of ineffective. Anyone buying gold from these farmers is ruining the game, you also bring people who have no business really playing on NA realms into the game and they couldn’t care less. Gold buying is bad, just don’t do it. You fund the bots you complain about, this isn’t 2006 people aren’t actually farming the gold that you buy.


I thought the ban wave was hilarious. But its obvious they only did it to lash out at someone. They are mad they can’t steal breast milk anymore, and Microsoft bought them. So they took it out on their own community.

i bought gold and got punished. This is YOUR fault blizz and killed your game


I’ve been saying since before classic launched that it should have the token. But instead of being logical, they stupidly waste precious developer time unnecessarily bullying player accounts. They shouldn’t care what you do with your gold. It’s your gold and it’s tradable for a reason. If they would put in the token, players wouldn’t even need a third party and Blizzard would get the damn revenue off it. But rather than gain money, they’d rather lose money on wasted developer time and unsubs. Most the players they bully probably don’t come back.

Edit: They locked and unlisted the thread, proving once again how despicable they’re willing to be. I guess I should be thankful I wasn’t suspended for posting in it like last time.

“Funny thing gold from a 3rd party would still most likely be cheaper than buying a wow token for 20 bucks and selling it on the AH.”
-As I have to point out every single time this topic comes up; it doesn’t matter if China undercuts the auction house. Most people would take the official safer option… assuming it was there.

How much stuff did you manage to buy from the PTR vendor on Tuesday?

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Is this honestly a thread about how som was damaged due to cheaters being banned for cheating? Is this reality? I think op should find a doctor and check if they are ok.


Successful guilds buying gold is cheating. So they are cheating lol.

Is this satire? I dont get it

so pathetic hope you guys do it again as well just for one more lol

They are trying to return some integrity to the game. It lost most of it over the past 5 years or so. I hope they continue to ban and punish gold sellers and buyers. If people see the game has integrity again, I bet quite a few will come back. I think blizzard thinks that too.


It’s easy to understand once you realize they feel entitled to pull out their debit cards to end run around a core facet of MMO game play (farming) and that sense of entitlement comes from Blizzard doing nothing about it for years.

They literally feel entitled to cheat and get away with it via pay to win.

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Funny thing gold from a 3rd party would still most likely be cheaper than buying a wow token for 20 bucks and selling it on the AH.

Example if the wow token is say worth 1500g on the AH (in classic) that 1500g is basically 20 bucks. But if a 3rd party site is offering 1500g for 9.99 the player base will probably go there.

I mean retail has had the token for years but still has plenty of web sites that u can buy from.

Far fewer people will buy from third party sites when there’s an option that won’t get you banned for cheating.

Most likely but there would still be people that would want to save. I saw it a couple times when I still played retail.

Me personally I like the token I used my retail gold to buy tokens to transfer my ally toons to pagle recently.

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Sweet. Finally banning cheaters.
If they went after buyers and had a no forgiveness policy and banned all gold buyers all the time. The bots would disappear.


LoL 1980 PG /= 2022 PG be warned.

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yeah that’s rough

It doesn’t help that som encourages mass stocking consumables just for raiding even mc. How bad do you think the liquid gold situation is gonna be when you get to aq/naxx and need an atrocious amount of cons? Som literally encourages people to buy gold by nature of the game. Lol I don’t know why anyone is shocked that was the case