Gold Buyer Ban Wave - TY Blizzard?

No need to buy boosts. Theyre adding a 50% xp buff from 1-25. Also, i think boosts are also a target of the devs but thats not as clear.

I call that Justice dog.
If you got banned for gold buying right before p2 you deserve it.


I donā€™t know why thatā€™s so complex.
Seems pretty simple ā€œDonā€™t cheat and you wonā€™t get banned.ā€


No they wont.

There is no far behind.

I started SoD at the end of December and I was not behind in any way.

probably because of this ---->

good thing its not me so i dont have to do it lol. iv been there and it wasnt fun catching back up in two weeks let alone 24 hours before p2

It will be.

Those guild mates are likely liars.

The devs are gamers, so they 100% want to eliminate all this nonsense from the game. The question in my mind has always been, how long of a leash will blizzard give them on this issue?

Clearly blizzard has taken the leash off completely for the SoD team, because they are cracking down hard on it. If you buy or sell gold, you should be very worriedā€¦ And thatā€™s what folks have been asking for, for a long time.


hereā€™s the thing about guildiesā€¦ They know people dont like gold buyers. So they pretend to be AH guruā€™s. And they may be good at it. But maybe just a ā€œlittle too goodā€ They talk about their special farms they run, their ā€œtricks of the tradeā€ how they have an alt or second account that runs the AH all the time but wont tell his name. They always have more gold than anyone else in the guild.

ā€œI figured out how to run TSM and I make 700 GPH with this one weird trickā€ - Its called swiping a credit card.

Donā€™t be naĆÆve. People lie.


Its a month I was banned for buying gold, we go agane

Eh, I joined SOD over 3 weeks in and still have 6 25ā€™s and all but 1 is revered with Silverwing. And I donā€™t have any chars with 350+ gsā€™s but I have 3 over 300. They wonā€™t be that far behind.

They do this before every single phase tourist. And as usual itā€™s all burner accounts and 2 weeks because they donā€™t actually care.

So you didnā€™t get roflstomped by every other 25 the day you hit 25?

I do wonder if thereā€™s a gold threshold for this. A friend of mine buys small amounts of gold every time he makes a char (like 20g) and he didnā€™t get banned. He just responded to my text after I told him thereā€™s a gold buyer ban and said heā€™s good.

Or do they just not catch everyone?

Youā€™ll never get details about that because youā€™d have people exploiting the loop holes.
Theyā€™re likely squashing the whales first and then working their way down the chain.
If thereā€™s enough people buying more than your ā€œfriendā€ they likely will be safe for a while.

Iā€™d suggest to them that not buying any more gold is the safe bet.

Iā€™ll let him know but he said heā€™s been doing that since wrath and is fine so I donā€™t think he plans on changing.

I hope he enjoys the inevitable ban.
Though itā€™ll likely be a while while they sort through all the dudes that have bought hundreds/thousands of gold.

I ran premades out of a necessity.

Now I can enjoy the game.

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Well hopefully not because heā€™s the reason I started playing wow again. I havenā€™t played since wrath and Iā€™m loving sod.