Gold Buyer Ban Wave - TY Blizzard?

And suddenly hordes of credit card machines around the world went silent.

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Name calling is inappropriate.

Please let us keep the forums civil.


Oh you tracked me down, I didnā€™t realize this was gonna be an ongoing thing.


Yeah, I guess the ability to read a thread can be pretty surprising.


Yeah when you upset Glinda he will follow you around non-stop. Have fun.


I figured you would be out picking herbs, since itā€™s so much fun apparently. Iā€™m pretty upset iā€™m missing out on one of the games more invigorating experiences.

I can help you get started if you need training money or something.

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Oh my gahhhhhh :face_holding_back_tears:

Yeah that sucks. Accepting gold or items from gold buyers can get you caught up.

His guildies bought gold.

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Iā€™m wondering if a certain gnome mage will be enjoying P2 or not after this.

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I donā€™t think so, but certainly possible, but you donā€™t even need to buy to be banned for buying. Taking bought gold and items is supposed to be enough (per CS forums).

I edited before sending to add the ā€œI donā€™t thinkā€ preposition just for you :kissing_heart:

Itā€™s 99% certain.

You quoted the wrong part damnit.

Glinda is broken today guys.

Must be flustered over this news.


You cannot possibly know that. Therefore you are a liar.

I despise lairs.


Weā€™ve already established that, no need to beat a dead horse.

Also, itā€™s spelt with two Ms, no Ns.

Thank you. Bad habit.

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for real. if this was me id be buying a second account this second. getting stock boosts and trying to hit 25 before tomorrow at 4
tbh with stocks boost you can hit 25 in under 20 hours ez pz. even faster if you mage AoE and get yourself to like 17-18 then just finish it off in stocks. 15 hour 25.

This is hilarious.

Iā€™m looking forward to your shocked face when Blizz does pop you for gold buying.


Define over achieving? In my experience gdkpers and gold buyers under achieve. They barely play the game and raid log. Thats why they have to buy gold.