Gold Buyer Ban Wave - TY Blizzard?

I think he’s on a forum vacation. He’s been MIA since the GDKP ban was announced. Normally he would be all over these threads.


Nah he’s on here bragging about doing GDKP’s on WOTLK and transferring the gold to SoD.


You know after reading through all these posts about blizzards efforts against gold buying I’ve had a change of heart. Instead of canceling my subscriptions, I just reactivated both of them.

This aint the only post and there are many others on other websites too.

Thank you blizzard for your efforts to get botting, gold buying and selling, and other forms of cheating under control.


Have them post in the CS forum if they were unjustly banned CS will help overturn the ban. If they are guilty well CS will point it out and we get a laugh :popcorn:

Gdkp enjoyers literally shaking rn

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I dont believe him. His guildies def bought gold. Theres no way he can prove they didnt. He didnt sit with them 24/7. People lie including friends you trust.


Hey I know you!

i believe him

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I mean in the open world.
If you’re on a PVE server this doesn’t apply to you.

I would never play on a PVE server.

Crudlord ain’t soft

Few hundred got people banned, not thousands.

Meanwhile blizzard sells tokens for usd. that you can sell for gold… BWAHAHA

Cope and seethe, swiper.

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nah some people did a video on it, it did get a number of clean players

whats the down side of buying gold ? you get rich of ah i spent 100k last year on potions for pvp , i got banned now i dont spend any gold in AH, nor will i farm it ]because i work all day .

5 months later

…. why necro this thread?