Gold Buyer Ban Wave - TY Blizzard?

Oh hey another wave of slapping the wrist of bad actors that won’t learn from it.

Blizzard, you are too soft.

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A two week ban at the start of the phase is more punishing than you think it is.

These people will be pretty far behind off they even come back.

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They bought gold.


Lol just because they say they dont doesn’t make it true. Unless you sit with them 24/7 you cant possibly know if they buy gold or not.

Please take the time to look up the definition of the word “Ban” . Public schools are awesome dont you think?

or because banning someone right before the start of a phase is far more painful for them than just banning them at a random time nothing is really happening in the game

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They should do that kind of banning every week, not once every season/phase.

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Right. Just look at what it did to reckful

botters they banwave because it makes it harder for them to correlate what they did that got them banned.

if you ban them immediately youre just helping them develop ways to get around detection, because now they can test more easily. if you wait and nail them all at once they cannot do that.

buyers 100% should be banned on the spot if you ask me, but its not a good idea to always instaban bots, youre just helping them get better at botting.

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Yeah, I would say this was super-effective. I bought a 100 gold on a total whim without needing it at all and I’ll be kicking myself for 2 weeks while my friends have fun in phase 2.

If it had been 2 weeks from now, It wouldn’t really matter that much at all. but, i’m reeling-- I haven’t felt the weight of consequences in my life in a long time. xD

I know its a strange question but what are you posting for friends, why arent they posting for themselves? If theyve nothing to hide theyve nothing to fear.

Just don’t buy gold


Lots of bad people have said “if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear”.

I mean, it still applies. It’s not like consequences don’t happen to bad people just because they’re bad but make sensible statements.

I didnt say it didnt apply.

So… what was the intent of your comment then?

The fact is that more players than you think buy gold. It’s true that lots of players either have busy lives or play other games along with this one, but want to still enjoy SoD.

Once the cost of gold falls to what a player would consider worth the risk to trade $ for time spent grinding it’s hard to resist.

I cant even remember how many times a raider was banned for “unknown” reasons and couldn’t make raid.

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based, swipers need to go back to retail where they belong


not untrue, but now instead of comfortably leeching an rmt inflated payout all those people have to buy gold for themselves, exposing both themselves and the seller to the risk of a ban whenever they need to reup for consumes

the seller also has to do far more transactions for smaller amounts if people are only buying gold for consumes, making it potentially more likely they get flagged and actioned

also just less demand means less throughput, which starts to crush botter profit margins, bots are not free to run, beyond a certain point they start going to other servers/games with more whales and more incentive to buy large amounts of gold (gdkp gear)


I love this, all the overachieving douches thinking they are above everyone else, got banned just before release of P2 and are going to be behind literally everyone else. That alone is more of a punishment to these kind of people than just taking their gold.