Can you level, level professions, farm gold, get Warsong exalted, get bis in two weeks?
Perma ban always better for gold buyers. Risking a vacation doesn’t scare anyone risking all the progress they have made is actually a deterrent.
Can you level, level professions, farm gold, get Warsong exalted, get bis in two weeks?
Perma ban always better for gold buyers. Risking a vacation doesn’t scare anyone risking all the progress they have made is actually a deterrent.
Considering how prevalent gold buying is they could just be lying.
I was stoked when I seen so little bots in stockades earlier today. We gunna be back up to 50 by the end of it though.
It really isn’t, though. It may seem counterintuitive, but reality often is.
When Blizzard did that, they unintentionally created a demand for compromised accounts.
What you’re describing as a concept is only really effective at “spot treatment.”
Okay then make them year long bans. You get your stuff back, now I’m sure you don’t want to go through that again. 2 weeks is not scaring anyone.
It’s not about scaring people. Fear is not a good corrective force, it just makes people (and critters!) find darker ways to do the deed.
Jeez how much gold did you guys buy? if no one else is reporting this yet, you guys must be WHALES
Bans for gold buying is a good start. I would also like to see them suspend players that benefited from illicit gold via GDKP’s suspended for a week starting tomorrow. If you want to make a point that would be a good way to do it.
People were suggesting this on the forums and Reddit for a month or so.
I tweeted at Aggrend myself suggesting d as much.
It’s a good idea, so good on you!
Why does no one praise them? Because blizz bans the players for 3 days. That does nothing to dissuade people from buying again.
It’s like if murder was a 3 day jail time, I’d be stabbing people non stop.
Me waiting for people to realize they did the ban wave to cut down on server load on P2 launch.
2 days before the phase drop is a massive troll move from blizz, good on them
i also know a few people who caught the banhammer for 2 weeks who swear up and down all they did was run gdkps the last 2 lockous, so either blizz started the gdkp bans early (unlikely), or they were buying gold and just dont want to admit it (more likely)
That’s a problem with you not the rules dog.
If murder bringing a heavy punishment Is the only reason you don’t kill people there’s something wrong with you.
With that being said:
Gold buying brings a 2 week ban and you lose your bought gold, unless you’re a big streamer then they just take your gold and ask you to pretty please stop cheating.
and hot delete your offhand, which was at least amusing.
Or they got enough bought gold from gdkp that Blizzard thinks they bought gold.
They probably did
also possible if the ai detection is on, which judging by the number of bots getting bonked today seems likely.
I’m all for it honestly.
Pro-GDKP people always gaslight when the topic of RMTs comes up.
You are a different kind of moronic.
2 week then 6 month then perma.
Its not always a 3 day