sure but if we’re talking about leveling 5 man dungeons, mitigation is simply not needed in any way
I hate this mentality. Getting ROCKED constantly and putting undue stress on the healers just because you want to zugzug and all you pay attention to is a damage meter as a tank is asinine.
Im glad the game has bosses that punish this. Needs more of them.
2H Arms 1-60, or 2H Fury 1-30 2H Arms 30-60, or 2H Fury 1-36 2H Arms 36-60
Warriors don’t need mitigation, any Warrior with that mentality is griefing the group. Get threat through DPS (Harder to do pre-36), anyone attacking the moment you pull needs to be reminded this isn’t SoD.
By 36 you’re a god AOE exploding every pack and you’ll be doing 80% of the damage most groups.
If you want to sword and board tank to 60 please just roll something else
You take MUCH less damage leveling as sword and board prot specced.
Best way to avoid taking damage is if someone else has aggro.
Wrong, that’s why Warriors don’t level as Prot in Hardcore
The best mitigation is killing your enemy many times faster. An Arms Warrior killing 2 mobs in 2 seconds takes a lot less damage than a Prot Warrior killing 1 mob in 45 seconds
WHOOSH! Kids these days…
if mitigation doesnt matter then remove all your gear except for a 2 handed weapon and see how the dungeon goes… people have gotten so used to being carried they don’t know how the game plays without over gearing or over leveling the content. They think they are good at the game
Mitigation matters but not at the cost of threat.
Yes wear mail or plate, whatever the current best option is. That’s really all the consideration you need, rest is about nuking 8 mobs every 30 seconds and repeating so your group can actually freely attack without having to count 5 mississippis before opening each mob
people who oom the healer every pull but the mobs die fast do to their high damage think they are speed clearing but its much more efficient clearing if the tank has mitigation, aggro, and the healer never has to drink. YOU JUST CONSTANTLY KEEP MOVING!
The healer doesn’t OOM in Arms 2H tank dungeons because the Warrior deletes the mobs in seconds
The OOM healer comes from multi minute drawn out fights where a prot Warrior can’t even hold threat so the healer spams emergency heals on non-tanks nonstop
Stop griefing and hold threat
this is the problem of the ADHD DPS. I’ve tanked, I’ve healed. I hate healing 2h tanks (especially ones that use leather) because you have to literally SPAM heal them, never taking advantage of the 5 second regen rule, and having to drink every 1-2 pulls.
vs a team where the tank just keeps pulling, gaining threat because he has gone ahead of the others and has mitigation to deal with it. Its such a more relaxed and enjoyable time for the whole party instead of dumping the responsibility to the healer completely to keep all the soft people up…
You know what really sucks at holding threat? A dead tank.
No, the OOM healer comes from having to light their mana bar on fire to keep a bullet sponge that cant sponge alive.
Look my dude, I am a healer. My character portrait is a 8/8 T3 (Meme helm on for pvp) Resto Druid, I have healed and tanked literally hundreds of dungeons in Era, be it RDruid, Bear, Warrior tank, you name it.
As a healer, I would never in my life heal a sword/board tank in a dungeon. It’s straight up griefing. A 2H not only holds 100% of threat, they also nuke packs down in seconds after level 36. So I can use conservative healing spells on 1 person and the fights are absurdly short.
You have never played a 2H Arms tank if you think it’s anything but broken as hell. It’s like 80% of the groups damage when it comes online at 36
I have a 51 Hardcore Warrior that tanked this way in every dungeon. It’s literally the safest dungeon tank there is
Here is that Warrior. Literally decked in dungeon gear. Literally zero deaths
keep going as a 2h tank, see how it goes. youre at the sweet spot now where you get to pull big packs in ST, BRD, UBRS, LBRS. Go ahead and 2h tank those big packs with a 2h tank in HC, but dont get mad at the healer once you drop.
I will. Because any Warrior not doing it is brand new to Vanilla. A Warrior in your group with a shield on is a red flag. A Warrior specced into Prot, especially more than 10 points into Prot, is a sure fire way to know you’re about to corpse walk a few times in a 3 hour dungeon
day 1 player in 2004
its the zoomer speed running private servers that ruined the meta. Nothing is more enjoyable than a dungeon run where all the people know how to play their classes completely. This means tanks knowing how to prioritize where they need aggro on mobs, when regaining aggro on a nearly dead mob is a waste, the healers being efficient with their mana, the dps knowing who and when to DPS…
If you trust your team and play your role its so much smoother. What you are doing is shifting the responsibilty away from and to certain individuals in the group. You are taking responsibility FROM the DPS to know about threat management and also taking their responsibility to damage the mobs to yourself by putting the task on yourself by tanking with a 2h. This then shifts more responsibility over to your healer who loses efficiency by keeping you up due to your lack of mitigation.
So what you are really doing is shifting the responsibility all over the place instead of just trusting the team to fill their roles
Common misconception. Healer does way less in these groups because they heal 1 target insteads of 3+, and the fight durations are drastically shorter. As a healer main I can attest, it makes runs so so much cleaner.
Sure, I see this perspective, but in a right vs wrong sense I’ll still make my case. If you want a slow dungeon with CC and DPS counting before attacking, all the power to you. I’m just saying it is far from optimal
if people truly know how to play they don’t need to be told any of this. They know priority targets, they know when to sheep/fear. It is not in fact slow to play the game as designed because you end up being so efficient.