Gods of a Deadly Art is seeking more players of all levels to fill its ranks! We are a growing guild with a cool tabard,discord, 7 bank tabs friendly helpful guild master! mainly a social/leveling guild! please contact Zurrikane-Emerald Dream for more info or an invite.
What type of events can be expected?
Greetings blood-children! Do not believe the lies that this ambulant wolfish heresiarch is spewing! They claim to be gods and they claim to be deadly?
I think not!
There is only one God. He is also deadly, unforgiving, and merciless. These are the qualities one should look for in a divine being. Who is that God?
You guessed it! The Lord Tact!
The Lord Tact will smite this heretical furball for daring to claim that he and his pack are gods. I have prayed to the Lord Tact, and he has directed me to do this. I must once again employ the Holy Scissors of Tact.