God, how does anyone get anywhere with pugging


Idk if you can really use this as a reliable method

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Proving was meh.

I prefer the good ol cata pain train.

It’s hard to say how reliable it is
but when you have 20 DPS sign up to join your key, it is a very easy discriminator

I’ve been walking the queues at night
Just tryin’ to get it right.
Hard to see with so many around.
You know I don’t like being stuck in the crowd.
And the pugs don’t change but maybe the names

I ain’t got time for the game 'cause I need you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
'Cause I need you

Meh they might have all normal names then what

A lot lot LOT of Patience I remember when I finally was trying to fully finish the Ny’alotha Normal Raid for the first time during BFA I spent 6-7+ hours waiting for people who either left because of the wait or rage quitted during fights etc. Until a very nice Paladin said he would be Tank and would wait with me all those hours so we could finish and we did.

I still Thank that person till this day, Thankyou who ever you are. :relaxed:

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Then you just pick someone with the correct io and ilvl.

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Where is it you are trying to go? This was designed as a group community MMOrpg game. Be part of the community and sometimes help people along.

I don’t have time to commit to a raiding guild/team.

At this current point, pugging is the only option I have

OP is clearly talking about pugging Nathria not M+, pugging raids is awful. You need to do it early in the tier to get aotc to get invites to mythic groups. Do it on reset day. All the good pugs are the ones that go hard on reset and as early as possible

95% of the skill in pug life is picking the right group.

It’s also why pugs are becoming more hostile to off meta comps.

Here is something else though that people aren’t considering very much. GOOD players have no reason to run 10-13’s. They don’t offer item level that is worth their time. SO the only people running 10-13’s are doing it for their vault. Good players simply won’t waste time here. This wasn’t true in BFA. Good players would still run 10-13’s because they could get upgrades from them. That’s just not the case this time around.

What they’ll do is pvp instead, or raid.

Generaly, the same rules apply to mythig+ pugs.

Good raid pugs are going to only invite people based on io scores, item level, and past achievements. Bad pugs will just invite anyone.

Good raid pugs will also stack OP classes over weaker ones.

Depends a bit on level; I also tank, so I tend to have a bigger impact (and also can usually be picky on who else is invited); and I also have a healer in guild who rolls with me a lot;

BUT we are only doing m5-7s now, so if you mean M10-M15, yeah that was pug hell in bfa

Gosh, that’s the worst kind of disaster!

What? No more f-f-f-f-fluffy egg d-d-donuts?

I’ve had very successful pugs before. You just have to be selective in which groups you apply to.

Pro tips:

  • Look for keywords such as “guild run” as guilds tend to be much better coordinated and effecient. (Be ready to use voice comms like Discord).

  • Get the Raider-io addon. If you’re pugging a raid, the score doesn’t much since raid progression doesn’t affect it. The useful bit here is it will give you a link to raider-io and will show every member currently in the raid, along with their current progression. So
 If you see a raid advertising Heroic Nathria
 but 80% of the raid is only 5/10N
 Probably best to avoid that group at all cost lol

  • If pugging on your main, try to avoid alt runs if you can. Alt runs can be successful, but are generally more
 lax and prone to fail compared to a group of mains.

  • If looking for M+, look for keywords such as “chill run” and avoid “pushing keys”. Chill groups will generally be much more patient and willing to help you learn dealing with affixes and mechanics you are not used to.

I want to highlight this. Another sign of a good group is the late invite. If a group is taking a long time to send out the invite, that usually tells me they are actually taking the time to look into each candidate carefully. It’s a good sign. Be patient with the party leader. It will be worth it.

Good players are already running with guildies/friends.

Yes champ, no pug has ever gone past normal raiding/ +0. If you don’t know what you are talking about, just don’t comment.

Don’t be scared of voice chat. It’s amazing how well a bunch of strangers work together when they can communicate.

My pug groups always require some kind of voice chat. You don’t have to talk, but you better listen.

Pug life ain’t bad. You just have to realise no-one will carry you like a guild would. If you stay ahead of the gear curve, everyone wants to get into your pants.