God, how does anyone get anywhere with pugging

The only constant in those groups is you… just sayin…

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They install and make use of Raider IO

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Totally my fault people don’t CC shades and don’t know how the healing mechanic on hungering work, despite having explained it to them repeatedly

yes sir

what do you mean? im sure this blood elf femle paladin with the name lolqtxx is totally gonna be a solid stand up player! lul

Hard carry the groups or lead your pug. I typically only pug and I’ve had great success.

time… LOTS of it.

i have to pug all my content including raiding and i pug AOTC so trust me it is hell. 1 wipe and people cry and leave already XD. takes a while for raid to fill then rinse and repeat a few times until 1 hour passes and all you’ve done is literally sit around waiting for people to fill the group.

it’s not technically hard its just the fact that a lot of people are so quick to quit that they basically just ruin it for everyone else. they want the path with least resistance thus they quit and want to get carried. this is why some people have NO respect for others like that who just want carries.

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RaiderIo is being replaced with TransmogIO

you’re not getting into a group unless you’re fabulous


100% pugger as far as raids go, and I usually don’t run into issues (This week I cleared 9/10 heroic in about 3 hours, pugging into two different group finder groups). I’m pretty selective in groups I queue for and often look up the leader before queueing. I’m not going to join a “FULL CLEAR HEROIC FRESH” if the leader is 0/10 heroic. For that matter, I tend to stay away from groups with full clear in their title, big pumpers, etc. Also, you can usually tell how the group is going to go after the first pull. If there are puddles all over the place before shriekwing goes into phase 2, I usually bubble hearth out and try again.


I have two characters at 1100io, 90% of it done by pugging.

Use raiderio. I have two monitors and when I’m creating or applying to groups I look at the members on the website. What is their spec, what is their ilvl, do they have a legendary, what is their record for keys at that level and that dungeon. How many keys in that bracket have they timed? Sometimes I’ll even pull up Warcraftlogs and check their raid parses. Purple parses for ilvl? They know their stuff. All greys? Avoid them. What server are they from? Some servers are notorious for having garbage players, some servers are not English primary language which could make communication a problem, and joining a OCE hosted group if you’re on the US east coast can make you lag. Group composition is huge as well. I would always recommend having a Bloodlust effect in your group, and for certain dungeons utilizing a rogue Shroud skip definitely makes Pride line up better. You need to know the optimal routes at 10+ and only run with tanks that will use that route. Optimization and efficiency are the keys to doing M+ pugs without headaches.

Is it a lot of work? Sometimes yeah. But I’d rather be picky and spend an extra ten minutes joining or forming a group that looks solid by using every tool available to me than invite the first 4 people that apply. Is it a 100% success rate? Of course not. They are tools to give you more information, but it’s never the full picture. The more effort you put into vetting groups, the better time you will have.

And if you get a great group and demolish a key, ask them if they want to keep going. I’ve found great groups a few times that I stayed and banged out four keys in a row with. Add them to your friends list if they’re good and you can group up again in the future.



What they don’t tell you is if you create the group, no one gets to deny you. So take your 100-200 RaiderIo score, create a group for your key, and spend 10-15 minutes putting together a group much more accomplished and overgeared than you are.


1st check if its a prot warrior tank

2nd drop if it is

Pretty simple


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+2s and +3s are ok enough if you don’t have high expectations. Although I was in one last week where we could not progress past the first boss because of mechanics and the group was ilvl 205+. Looked like it was going to be an easy ride for my alt and turned into the strangest wipefest. Anyways, the +2 and +3 are usually fast to finish or fast to fail.

You dont, you find a guild

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It doesn’t even have to be meta It just has to be a good comp. I take warlocks and shadow priest and they’re not great, but I make sure I have a lust a battle ress and enough interrupts. Generally 1 melee if it’s a monk pally or DH tank and 2 if it’s a warrior.

I only pug - and have had many good experiences. In fact - no bad ones yet. So all kinds of experiences to have out there. Funny too, how some people always have a bad experience, when they are the only common factor.

By not pugging anything unless you can be sure it is a solid complete or the content is trivial that even with messups you will still finish it.

Again, I have no control over half the raid not knowing about and inevitably failing essential and easy mechanics on the easiest bosses in the raid.

If you expect the majority of the playerbase to have even the most basic understanding of how to deal with the simplest of mechanics, or be remotely competent at their classes, well you got another thing coming.

The playerbase needs another set of cata dungeons pre nerf to shape them Back up.

I haven’t seen that brand of donuts in a long time; the cake donuts were simply the best around.

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We need proving grounds again.