Personally I feel like goblins shouldn’t be able to be rogues, but maybe I am wrong. Many people think it is the most iconic class for the race, but I have some disagreements. Being a rogue requires a lot of patience and goblins aren’t known to be the most patient of races. Presumably they also carrying around explosives with them at all times. Also with them carrying around explosives all the time, how wouldn’t that not be so stealthy? However perhaps I am wrong. They just kind of don’t strike me as they stealthy sort.
EDIT: This is not Dvis. The one who made the human rogue thread. I didn’t realize there was a human rogue thread up when I made this.
EDIT: My mind has changed. I see how goblins fit rogue now.
a human paladin complains about zandalari paladins, so of course a human rogue will complain about goblin rogues.
Orc and Undead rogues smell worse
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We can be anything we want! We just gotta put our mind to it.
This thread made my eye twitch. Goblins shouldn’t be Rogues? What insanity is this?
Yeah… This isn’t even worth replying to.
Oh wait.
Uh because they are goblins? Was this a trick question?
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Money is a very driving force for goblins. Heck. We should be able to be any class except maybe DH cause of the whole sacrificing everything thing. Anywhere there is money to be made, we will follow.
By all means tell me why you disagree. Goblins to me just don’t seem like a very stealthy race of sorts.
Have you SEEN our stealth animations? W’re obviously the sneakiest of the sneaky!
Literally a rogue in the picture. Why can humans be paladins? Why can orcs be shaman? Why can night elves and tauren be druids? This is literally ruining my immersion.
Oh my God. If there was ever a class that is fitting for rogue, it is goblin. Remember that goblins are a race that is open to more dubious ways of making cash and have a strong desire for gold.
You see my goblin rogue. Its partly made based off that picture.
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Much like how undead can be priests but lore wise (seperate from gameplay) they’re almost all shadow. I feel like rogues can be the same where it’s not all stealth (see: kultiran rogues)
Rogue is pretty open to interpretation.
You have assassin/ninja then you have bar room dirty fighter/pirate, agent, saboteur, smuggler, etc.
It’s not been too delved into in wow but there are a few cases. I could definitely see goblins being into smuggling, poison, assassinating other goblin trade bosses, contracts contracts contracts and stealing money.
No other race has a better “stealth” animation. This alone makes them a superior rogue.
Actually I suppose you do make a very good point. I mostly questioned its possibility from a patience perspective, but then I forget that there is many types of rogues. Not all of them require the same level of patience and not all goblins are simply impatient perhaps. Just in my mind I tend to picture more professional composed types of rogues when I think of rogue.
Where are you getting the impression that they’re impatient? Their catch-phrase may be, “Time is money, friend!” but anyone with any business acumen understands that sometimes waiting for the perfect opportunity is better than trying to rush.
Where time is money comes into that is not remaining idle while waiting for the opportunity.
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