Goblins rogues. Explain why they can be rogues?

Goblins are the most “rogue” race around.


I thought there was something in the lore about goblins tending to be less patient then gnomes by comparison and admittedly their time is money and haste racial kind made me think of this perhaps, but I guess there can be some who aren’t like that.

More chaotic? Sure. Less patient? Nah, don’t think so. Certainly they’re more ruthless than Gnomes, but that doesn’t necessarily correlate with a lack of patience.


My time your money, and you can feel me un-stelth behind you as my blade cuts your purse strings.

You mean bribe anyone who says otherwise, right?

Like you did those elementals.

Heh. Goblin shamans amirite? We control the very elements around us with promises of loads of someone elses cash!

Based on that argument, how can dwarfs function as any class? They are presumably carrying alcohol with them at all times! :rofl:

Goblins practically capture the essence of being a rogue. Like rogues, Goblins are very morally neutral, often thinking of how well the job pays over whether the act is questionable. They think of their profits first and, while they may have some loyalties, they’re mainly loyal to themselves. Goblins are also short, allowing them to be very sneaky, and they have a knack for underhanded trickery.

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Everyone has their price. Even Elementals!

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The only thing that makes me happier than killing a rogue is killing a goblin, so it’s the ultimate happiness in PvP. I wish goblins could ONLY be rogues.

Okay okay. I am convinced. I feel so stupid now. Yes. I definitely see now how goblins really can be fitting rogues. Haven’t really looked into their lore much anyway. I should have done that per haps. Generally I only play humans, belfs and Draenei.

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The real question should be why Pandas can be Rogues…

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Well if they did make goblins only rogues least, they could work on making it a very good quality version of the class.

Hey! Now that is just…nah…I got nothing…it is all true.

No worries. Although if you were to ask me why they can be shamans, I’d have no idea how they can plant drills on the ground and suddenly they’re attuned to the elements. They’re probably the most environmentally hazardous race.

I’m more the Mata Hari type of rogue, myself.

Really? In that case I think im gonna be an Alpaca rider! …Once Blizz actually gives me an Alpaca.

Google wow goblin rogue art. How does that not scream goblin? They’re small little thieves using dishonest tactics to win.

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I dont get this topic.

I believe in you! :grinning:

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