Goblins are the best WoW race

Literally no other race even comes close. Elves? Furries? They can’t even see goblins from their low position on the racial totem pole.


You do you. lol.

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Goblins are a patrician race choice, however trolls are superior.
Blood Elves on the other hand are the worst race in Azeroth and must be culled.


They can’t be monks, so they’re officially one of the two worst races, IMO.

Implying people play monks.


but what if we had furry elves

That’s because you’re green and short. An unmowed lawn is enough to hide you.

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Yeah, you guys make useful stools.

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I agree they win the award for being the best punchable face.

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Hence why we’re so good at sneaking up and killing hunters.

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I keep a few in the stable. Every now and then ya need a good rocket boost and glider to truly feel alive. :wink:

The world would end in fire and uwu.

Sure luv, whatever you need to say to sleep at night. :joy:

Didn’t the Horde QQed hard on Cata because Alliance got cool werewolves and they instead got lame green mini-gargoyles? Lulz

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That’s all preference though I think there are more people interested in goblin shortstacks than slender highborne.

Put goblins and gnomes in a boxing ring and let’s watch um fight see who is the master race

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Next expansion:
World of Goblin

New Class:
Globin Slayer

Best looks.
Best toys
Best explosions.

It’s no coincidence when goblins were added, more players started going Horde.

You don’t have a /WAGGLE

Sorry, you lose.

Well I won’t lie that Goblin quests are my favorite because they are funny and Goblins make me laugh more than any other race lol :joy: