Goblins are the best WoW race

Sure, whatever gets you to be something that others don’t like to be, yeah?

Goblin female hips dominate draenei female hips any day of the week and twice on Tuesday.

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I actually distinctly remember the opposite. Not because Worgen aren’t cool, but they were not made nearly as ferocious as they were sort of sold on.

Goblins were a long expected member of the Horde, along with Ogres. Not that I think goblins are the best race, but I don’t recall players being unhappy about their introduction.

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Our curves are smooth.

Goblins look like they are smuggling potatoes.

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No, your curves are like a poorly maintained bike path. Goblin curves are scrumptious.

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Goblins are cool… but Kul Tirans are literally pirates.


I’d probably make most of my characters Draenei if I didn’t like having some variety.

I love the female goblin dance and cries.

Indeed, my friend! Goblins truly are a wonderful race! Our engineering is superior, too! When Gnomish devices explode, it’s a bug! When OUR devices explode, it’s a feature!

Perhaps we don’t, but our eyeline is in the perfect position to view the waggles, therefore no, no I do not believe we lose. In fact, it feels a lot like a win to me.

I wanted a goblin monk brewmaster tank. : / You’d think they be great brewmaster’s with the alchemy racial and prevalence in brewfest. Sad they only have 2 tank specs.

I concur. We truly are the greatest.

Fun fact, we can actually be feral druids.