Goblin Starting Area

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There is no new goblin starting area. There is Exile’s Reach, which is generic and it is nice. You will have your choice between the two.

Edit: misread “global” as “goblin.” Ignore that first sentence.

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you can chose to level in either exiles reach or the races normal starting zone in shadowlands

So either is fine

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You’ll still be able to do the unique starting area. The Panda experience lets you choose between starting at Exile’s reach or at the old area. I would assume it’s the same for Worgies and Gobbies.

Gobber will miss you if you skip Kezan. You don’t want to make Gobber sad do you?


Make a gob now, do the starter area… delete it than make a new one for exile reach.

Wait until Exile’s reach. The goblin starting area is a giant mess. And because of how easy it is to kill stuff you barely get to experience it if you do enjoy it.

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If you’ve never done Kezan then absolutely do it once for the experience. I’ve done it about 5 times and I hate it now so I’m waiting for Exile’s Reach to start a new goblin rogue.

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Do it! Time is money. :wink: Both will still be there after the squish, but if you have nothing to do now then check out the goblin zones. I think they’re pretty cool to see. Exile’s Reach can be done on any character later.


If it’s the first time starting out as a Goblin, you should absolutely choose the normal Goblin starting area first, so you can experience first hand why some of the player Goblins hate Gallywix with a passion.


I did that starting area twice when goblin was released then never again. I hated it so much for some reason. The goblin race is nice but that starting area… so bad.

I actually liked the Goblin starting zone. But, I might be the minority.


You’re not a real Goblin unless you LOVE the starter zone.

Cruising around Downtown Kezan in your 5.0 hotrod?

Shipwrecked on a beautiful South Pacific paradise?

Surviving a major volcanic eruption? Twice!

How can you not like that.


Do it now. The goblin starting area is really fun (but only the first time you do it).


Then delete that and make a forsaken.

You will be able to choose. I would personally play through the goblin starting area. Its a real fun starting zone that really gives you a feel for goblins.


If I were you I would race change all of your characters to goblin, even the ones that have a class which is not allowed to be goblin.


Echoing this. I tried the goblin starting area back in the Cata beta and I haven’t been there since. It’s specifically designed to use every gimmick the game engine was capable of back in Cata and it drives me nuts. There’s no point where things quiet down a bit and you have time to soak things in, it’s from one gimmick straight into the next. Easily the worst starting zone.

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I’ve done the goblin starting zone like 30 times at this point and still not bored of it.


I actually love the goblin starting area it’s got the charm and chaos you’d expect.