Goblin land mine bug

Hi folks, the goblin land mine isn’t behaving like it did in classic. When planted, it used to aggro mobs around it who would try and kill it before it was done arming.

On vanilla launch it was bugged and would just disappear ( pre patch: YouTube /watch?v=A4i4jcBlUlk ).

It was later changed/nerfed where it would emote during its arming phase and have those little taunt tick marks pop up above it and all the mobs around it would attack it just like a target dummy and prevent the arming sequence. See the top post on its classic wowhead /item=4395/goblin-land-mine#comments

If you scroll down on the wowhead comments you will find another relevant comment:
"First time I ever made one, and it was post-patch.

Goblin land mine drew agro the instant it was placed. It has to be placed pretty close, nearly at one’s feet.

Seemed to be like a target dummy that explodes when armed after 10 seconds. I was concerned it was going to be destroyed first by the mobs pounding it, but it did survive until detonation."

I hope this helps.

any devs care to respond to this? i posted this 4 months ago.

This most likely isn’t localized to just the land mine. It seems that the Guardian AI in general (which Goblin Land Mine is) has been bugged since P1.

If we’ve gone this long without a response and/or fix. Then it’s more than likely it won’t be fixed at all unfortunately :frowning:

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