Alot of thing we already know about but I think its new lore that Steamweedle is considered the oldest of the cartels.
Well it isn’t new that they are the largest cartel. That was always the case.
I hope they give us gnolls at some point so i can finally be a blackwater gnoll.
I was positive they were going to add Gnolls in BfA.
Love it! Can’t wait!
Lol it should have always been Trade Prince Bigfel!
Hope this time Gallywix is taken out once and for all.
Been a long time coming for this goblin. He will not escape me again!
Gallywix did nothing wrong.
I am happy for my Goblin friends finally getting justice.
I am hoping there is some form of unique dialogs, npcs comments, etc. for Goblin players that kill him. Make it feel like a fully completed arc.
I feel a little pigeon holed into supporting the Bilgewater seeing as they’re outright a Horde faction but Steamwheedle seems most interesting to me due to the dancing skeleton and caustic goop.
I doubt it’s going to have much material effect on gameplay though. I think they’ve overcorrected from SL where picking a faction was too large of a gameplay decision.
Same, I really hope he says something given the very personal antagonist relationship he had with the goblin player in the starting zone. There’s a lot of unique goblin dialogue during the questline so I’m actually kind of optimistic that the raid will.
It just works like the spider leaders in Azj’Kahet. You pick a new one each week and rep earned goes into a combined total renown.
Bilgewater ride all the time. And I will bring Gallywix back to power.
this patch been about to come out forever
? You do pick faction though.
So, when I say “Yrel did nothing wrong”, I get mobbed or vote bridaged like crazy. But when you say GALLYWIX did nothing wrong… crickets.
Gallywix is greedy and that’s it. He barley killed anyone.