Go check out the LFG tool on PTR!

The new tool cannot be improved to be usable. It’s an absolute waste of time and development cycles and promotes toxic anti-social gameplay before we’ve even entered the dungeon.

RDF with a realm consideration and some adjusted kick mechanics would have been 1000000 times better.

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You say to allow it, therefore yes, it is tailoring to them.

Oh, so now you’re shifting goal posts. First, you said:

emphasis on ENTIRE. Now, you’re simply saying they’re “tailoring it to them”. I’m glad that you see there is a difference.

I personally think hunters are DPS, but sure man. Happy to check out the logs of all those hunter tanks in heroics in TBC.

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Are you sure you have the time to look through all that no data?

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Well not only sheepily follows the meta. Not everyone cares what the top 1% do to min/max a 20 year old game easy enough that children can excel at it.

Coming from a sock puppet with north of 6000 posts lol, honestly if you want to troll you should swap characters, everyone knows you

You may want to familiarize yourself with what a sock puppet is on an internet forums.

You’ve lost your touch, or maybe gave up on trying

And yet you’re still chasing after me. One of my biggest fans.

Oh yes, let the hunter heal.

Yes… only the top 1% dont use hunters as tanks in their heroics.

That math surely will check out

I finally got bored enough to check out the ptr and looked at this thing.

I didn’t think anything could strengthen my belief that dungeon finder is essential for Wrath Classic. Turns out I was wrong.


It’s crazy to me that Blizzard was all about preserving expansions exactly as they were only to do a 180 and add all of their changes they could to morph WotLK into some other abomination “just cause they felt like it”…

Lame Devs, Lame Decisions.

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Wrath of the Lich King Reforged lol.


“it’s horrible” Your best bet Blizzard is to allow the original to wrath RDF tool…

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