Go back to WoD model of expansion


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I liked MoP, too, but players screamed and ranted that whole expansion too. If it wasn’t Pandas it was dailies, if it wasn’t dailies it was having to do a few bg’s for the cloak, if it wasn’t a few bg’s it was… you know, same :poop: different expansion.


NEVER forget:
“We just don’t want you playing demonology”


There were rants but nothing on the scale of “no flying going forward” debacle of WoD.


I’m pretty sure one of the most common complaints about WoD was how everyone needed to do dailies and garrison chores to progress. You needed to earn rep to get blueprints for the garrison. You also had to grind lvls for your minions/champions so they could actually do many of the required high lvl missions on the table.

WoW has always had a list of ‘chores’ that someone had to do, especially if they were new to the game, prior to getting into endgame. Even if that chore was running the same dungeons over and over again for rep/gear/recipes.


really? let me pull up two of many rants from MoP


people were screaming that RNG is bad just like today


if I photoshopped the date to 2021 people would have believed this was from today

the rants from WoD or MoP are almost equal as SL’s hot air talk today


While class design was almost as nice in WoD as MoP, I’d still kinda prefer MoP if we’re talking expansion quality… MoP actually had stuff to do and was a full .3 expansion in addition to good class gameplay.


Congratulations. I bet you think you accomplished something. I bet you thought, oh yeah! Got’em! You found two examples and you can’t even verify both were from MoP:

:rofl: :+1: :rofl:


his post took effort and was extremely effective at supporting his proof with evidence.

yours, on the other hand…

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Release date November 27, 2012

Release date March 5, 2013

thanks for telling me you didn’t play MoP



If you call two posts and neither of which could specifically pinpoint a MoP expansion date evidence, man I don’t know what to tell you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It was already a good expansion, especially at the end. It would have been even better if the things that were cut were developed!

Oh well you were right on the dates. I’ll eat that.

You gave two examples. Two. That’s nothing. There have been THOUSANDS over the past few years. Come back when you have something actually worth anything.

Feb. 19, 2013, 7:55 PM

Feb. 5, 2013, 3:50 AM

how are you not able to see those dates? seriously

That never happened with my garrisons.

Optional. I never leveled up my followers. I spent all of my time in Draenor doing PvP.

I would play a “wod classic PvP” game.

this seems to be contradicted by the fact that it was cut instead of developed… people dont do that with good things.

So SL is so bad that people want WoD back? That is just sad but possibly true at the same time. lol


Remember who was taking charge back then? Ion was stepping up, and he had a template for expansions that took precedence! I’m sure he wanted the team to spend as much time as possible on Legion because it was going to be his premier expansion.

I said two of many


quitting over a rare pet, the most insane thing to be upset about

how much more do you need I can keep showing
