Go back to Stormwind, Silvermoon is no longer your home!

I was doing a quest with my horde character to unlock the ugly grape elves (Very Night Elfs)… when I suddenly heard Lord Regent Lor’themar say that quote.

Siege of Silvermoon is coming I guess… eventually.

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Why would we siege the city for that?


Remember what Alleria says at the end?

I sure don’t. I played it years ago.

Let’s says, she don’t get Lor’ themar words very well…

It’s funny because Silvermoon used to be an Alliance city.

Back when Undercity was just Lordaeron.

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No one takes Lol’ThatsAGirlyMan seriously since Mists when he was Garrosh’s little punching bag during the bombing of Theramore.

Yeah, and in the time since she has been allowed back into silvermoon, albeit under supervision. It wasn’t without reason. The void used her as a portal to attack the sunwell. It’s a good reason to be aggressively vigilant.

Not really. Not only is the city very much still in the hands of its own people, but the elves were a part of the alliance of lordaeron which is now long gone. And even then their position within that alliance was more of a formality since they really didn’t want much to do with the humans after the troll war.

Even when the first horde was marching through the eastern kingdom, they didn’t really lift a finger to help until the orcs started burning their forests and started trying to tamper with their runestones so they could get in. And even then they only sent a handful of people.


She’s a Windrunner. They aren’t known for being able to take no very well.


That was the old Alliance. Existed to combat the old Horde.

Gilneas was a part of it, as was Quel’thelas and Lordaeron, other human nations.

Same as how the current Horde, also based on an older Horde, the one that included demonic orcs, ogres, forest trolls, etc that doesn’t exist anymore.

It’s not the same Alliance, but it’s still a predecessor of the current one. Same ultimate purpose, anyway.

The factions now are basically remnants of the older ones.

She’s also quite aware of the fact that what happened was her fault and she feels very bad that she almost snuffed out the heart of her people on accident.


Im very confused about what this topic is saying

OP thinks there will be a siege of silvermoon because alleria got mad when she was kicked out for almost doing a Kel’thuzad 2.0



So true though, why are those treehugging sunshine hunks called night elves when we have an elf that’s literally void themed?

Ooooh i get it now. The title is the quote from lor’themar.
Makes sense now. Thanks.

But yeah, no one is going to attack silvermoon.
Other than the void in midnight that is.

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It was scrapped. :carpentry_saw::robot:


Nah Silvermoon is just gonna become a neutral city at the end of Midnight.

Good. It’s high time the Quel’dorei and Ren’dorei retook their homeland.

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Gallywix’s Pleasure Palace would be awesome to siege, not going to lie :joy: