Go back to Stormwind, Silvermoon is no longer your home!

The void elves do assault that location to assassinate Gallywix. :scroll::robot:

It’s just me and myself here with the crickets and mice. Not much of a home. The NPCs are stuck in the TBC


:city_sunset: :ocean: :city_sunset: :ocean:


Hoping we don’t see a warfront on the tauren’s area as you know Blizz is going to give the victory to Alliance even if they’re the aggressors and the Tauren already gotta put up with their traitor of a chieftain Baine’s BS and tantrums they don’t need more trouble


The dumpster behind the goldshire inn isn’t that heavy, they can take it anytime.


Not all of them. You have nightborne visitors.
Silvermoon is stuck in a paradox.

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They gave the Alliance half the barrens in the new books, I’m glad most of that era got their walking papers (but not all of them)

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Who the hell cares about yetanotherelfmoon when the superior city of gnomeregan is there? We need a raid to defeat the trogg menace and then we can safely pump all the irradiated gas directly into orgrimar. They live in a valley, they’re used to smelling funny things.

Maybe I’m being forgetful, but the Murder row warlocks are gone. curious

:city_sunset: :ocean: :city_sunset: :ocean:

I read somewhere that Blizz is going to revamp Silvermoon.

That was awhile back though. Maybe they’re thinking it over, Idk.

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It’s not really the same when the Blood Elves themselves went Horde. And they were only with the Alliance for the second war.

For the most part not the same people. There are some, but most of the Alliance of Lordaeron died. And some of it’s citizens are allied with us in the form of the Forsaken.


And least you have a home…

The poor gnomes…


Yeah, no grape elves in the sunshine city please.


They also got people peeved at Baine for having them build a wall rather than avenge camp Taurajo after it got raided by what the Alliance so… funny how people think there’s a Horde Bias when they keep giving pieces of our land to the Alliance and making our leaders cool with it for some dumb reason


There’s only 1 reason Horde goes to Goldshire…

What’s your excuse?

Trapped-in-TBC Blood-Elf NPC:
“Someday Kael’Thas will return – or we might even join him in Outland for a glorious future!” :smiley:

:grimacing: “Oh my sweet summer child …”


While true to a point, the Alliance now counts Eredar amongst their numbers, and the Horde now has two contingents of High Elf as members. So as Garrosh once said…times change.

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“Horde bias” screamers are dumb af with how much the Alliance has been specifically pampered through the years.

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It would have been more accurate for him to say “Sod off” than “Go back,” but I get where he’s coming from.

yeah but still so many of them lately. I mean even after Blizzard devoted content to focus on the NE for 3 expansions…nope they still feel there’s a Horde Bias… even though numerous amounts of the trading post armors were alliance colors or themed they still felt there was a Horde bias… the preorder stuff for war within on the advertisement is all alliance colors and features a NE but nope…they’re too blind to realize the narrative is Alliance driven, if we horde aren’t being kicked around and made the bad guys we’re background characters to Alliance folk like Jaina and Anduin. I mean they gave Thrall his elemental powers back in Shadowlands then promptly took that away as they don’t care about Thrall or the Horde… nope… just the Alliance gets to have good things happen. They claim Horde being able to walk around two Alliance cities means Horde bias…no it’s them realizing that we Horde had to help the Alliance to get those cities…if we didn’t get to at least walk around them like tourists they’d of had a riot on their hands. Every war they forced Horde to start…the warfronts… all of the times we Horde had to help the Alliance stop something and they gave all the credit to the Alliance. I’m sorry but anyone who says there is a Horde bias is either a troll or not paying attention. I mean up til Cata the barrens belonged to the Horde…much of Kalimdor was ours… Cata happens and they gave parts of our lands to the Alliance, slaughtered our people, had the tauren chieftain Cairne murdered off screen… and the Alliance lost nothing except maybe part of Stormwind that Deathwing landed on or sat on but… they lost none of their faction leaders or their land.


I want to be like, “We had a nice long chat in Revendreth”

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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